“Public art under this policy is defined as works of art in all artistic disciplines and media that are visually and physically accessible on public property within the Town.” – Greenwich Public Art Policy Continue Reading →
Paul Pugliese
Recent Posts
Greenwich Ave Merchants, Restaurateurs, Landlords, Give Feedback to Selectmen on Intersection Bump Outs
Landlords spoke in favor of outdoor dining but questioned whether the bump outs were pedestrian friendly at the expense of drivers. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Business, Government, Alyssa Keleshian, Alyssa Keleshian Bonomo, Board of Selectmen, bump outs, Fred Camillo, Greenwich Avenue
Old Greenwich Merchants to Town: Increase Parking Enforcement
“If parking is not enforced on Sound Beach, I don’t see the incentive for employees to buy permits for $175….I don’t think I’ve ever seen any parking enforcement on Sound Beach and I’ve been there almost 13 years.” – Abigail Fox, Owner Abigail Fox Designs Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Business, Abby Fox, Candace Garthwaite, Charlene Barnes, Chillybear, CVS, Dept of Public Works
20-Unit Apartment Building Does Not Fare Well in Architectural Critique
A 20-Unit apartment building with four units of workforce housing submitted under the 6-110 moderate income housing regulation is proposed on East Putnam Ave between Pet Pantry and McDonald’s in Riverside. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Real Estate, Architectural Review Committee, Building Zone Regulations, Erik Zambell, Floor-Area-Ratio, Granoff Associates, Graziano Meniconi
Back Country Real Estate Talk Packs Round Hill Community Center
Panelists said back country houses continue to sell though prices have come down. Westchester sellers continue to buy in Greenwich where property taxes are significantly lower. Young families continue to move to back country for the same reasons as always: affordable taxes, great schools, privacy, and country living. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Real Estate, #backcountry, #backcountryGreenwich, Anderson Associates, back country, Berkshire Hathaway, Brendan DeSimone, Carolyn Anderson
P&Z Watch: Property Rights Struggle Bubbling Up at Shore Acres
If you own title to an access way to Greenwich Cove established a century ago and the town never taxed it, can you pave it and use part of it for your driveway? Can you use its FAR to build a bigger house on your adjacent lot where you already tore down a house? Shore Acres neighbors say absolutely not. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Real Estate, Chip Haslun, Dave Hawkins, Margarita Alban, Melissa Klauberg, Nicole and David Areson, Paul Pugliese
POCD Open Mic Night Highlights
On Thursday night P&Z held an open mic session at town hall for residents to give input to the 2019 Plan of Conservation and Development which is updated every ten years. A couple dozen people spoke, mainly longtime residents and familiar faces in local government and non profits including the Greenwich Tree Conservancy. Aleksandra Moch of the Town’s conservation commission gave a snapshot of the town’s changing demographics and housing trends taken from the Partnership for Strong Communities. Median age is 42.2 years old. Which is 2 years older than average for Connecticut. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Real Estate, Aleksandra Moch, David Hardman, Katie DeLuca, Margarita Alban, Patrick Larow, Paul Pugliese
P&Z Pushes Back on DPW Bridge/Rotary Project on Sound Beach Ave
Jim Michel said the State has set aside $3.8 million in funding, though the current estimate is $4.9 million. “They said they’d honor and bring the funding up to $4.9 million when we submit the final design plans,” he said. One resident warned that the only place where there is free cheese is in a mouse trap. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Real Estate, Transportation, Allen Lovejoy, Amy Siebert, Andy Fox, Binney Park, Binney Pond
Greenwich Chamber of Commerce Announces Town Heroes Award Recipients for 2018
The recipients will be honored at the annual awards luncheon sponsored by Webster Bank on Thursday, May 24 at the Hyatt Regency Greenwich. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Business, Greenwich Chamber of Commerce, Marcia O'Kane, Paul Pugliese, Richards, River House, Sam Brige Nursery & Greenhouses
Midnight Ushers in New Chair of Architectural Review Committee after 30 Years
Greenwich’s Architectural Review Committee has new leadership. Continue Reading →