On Saturday a rescheduled September Coastal Cleanup drew many intrepid volunteers to Tod’s Point, braving the persistent rain. Continue Reading →
Aleksandra Moch
Recent Posts
Climate Change 101: Facing Down the 800-Lb-Gorillas in the Room
“Everybody knows that the climate has always been changing due to natural causes. But this time is different. Scientists say that after a remarkable period of stability over the last ten thousand years, during which our civilization developed and flourished, humans are triggering a period of instability.” – Dallas Hetherington Continue Reading →
Filed under: Weather, Aleksandra Moch, Climate Change, Coffee for Good, Dallas Hetherington, Deb Rogan, Elizaeth Dempsey, Janet Stone McGuigan
Webinars Scheduled: Landscape Practices for Healthy Yards
Toxic landscapes not only affect landscapers, but also the property owners. A healthy yard encourages living soil, beneficial insects and biodiversity. It is possible to have a safe outdoor space that invites play and enjoyment at a lower cost than conventional care. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Aleksandra Moch, Conservation Commission, Dan Brubaker, Dan Deventhal, David Tovar, Felipe Aguilar, Jay Archer
Greenwich Installs Electric Vehicle Charging Station at Town Hall
The equipment is leased from ChargePoint, Inc. and will cost users $2.11 for two hours or $0.16/kwh. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Aleksandra Moch, Conservation Commission, Electric Vehicle Charging Station, Jill Oberlander
Wednesday Night Environmental Lecture Series on Climate Change Continues in November
The Conservation Commission is partnering with local conservation groups to Host a Wednesday night environmental lecture series on climate change. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Aleksandra Moch, Alexander Felson, Braeden Cohen, Conservation Commission, Elizabeth Di Salvo, EV Club of Connecticut, Greenwich Audubon
Bruce Museum Fred Elser First Sunday Science Series Programs Announced
This spring, the Bruce Museum Sunday Science Series at Bruce Museum Seaside Center at Greenwich Point include topics such as bee pollinators, turtles, oysters, turtles and more! Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Aleksandra Moch, Bruce Museum, Greenwich Conservation Commission, Seaside Center
Conservation Advocates Raise Red Flags on Aquarion’s Effort to Divert Water from Wilton Well & Norwalk River to Greenwich
“During the drought, Greenwich dramatically reduced its daily water usage from 32 million gallons per day peak summer usage to 5 million gallons per day after an outdoor irrigation ban was implemented, indicating that the overwhelming use of water was going to outdoor uses.” – Marija Mikolajczak, Greenwich Conservation Advocates Continue Reading →
Filed under: Business, Government, Aleksandra Moch, Allison Walsh, Aquarion, Conservation Coalition, Elizabeth Dempsey, Greenwich Conservation Advocates
Proposal for Abandoned CT Institute of Art Features 67 Residential Units, Supermarket
Development of properties at 581 and 585 West Putnam Ave was discussed well past midnight at Planning & Zoning Tuesday night. The proposal includes excavation of more than 20 feet of ledge over an area exceeding an acre.
That is about 31,000 cubic yards of material. Extensive blasting could last for a prolonged period of time. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Aleksandra Moch, Citarella, Connecticut Institute of Art, Craig Studer, Gateway Construction, John Ferari, John Tesei
POCD Open Mic Night Highlights
On Thursday night P&Z held an open mic session at town hall for residents to give input to the 2019 Plan of Conservation and Development which is updated every ten years. A couple dozen people spoke, mainly longtime residents and familiar faces in local government and non profits including the Greenwich Tree Conservancy. Aleksandra Moch of the Town’s conservation commission gave a snapshot of the town’s changing demographics and housing trends taken from the Partnership for Strong Communities. Median age is 42.2 years old. Which is 2 years older than average for Connecticut. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Real Estate, Aleksandra Moch, David Hardman, Katie DeLuca, Margarita Alban, Patrick Larow, Paul Pugliese
12th Annual Experience the Sound Event Celebrates Marine Life and Much More
The weather held for most of the Experience the Sound event on Sunday. Beachgoers wandered up to the Bruce Museum Seaside Center with buckets of creatures to have them identified, watch the Osprey Cam, and learn about shellfish and various conservation efforts in Town. Continue Reading →