Heavy snow expected, perhaps mixed with some sleet starting around 5:00pm on Saturday. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/category/news/transportation/)
Heavy snow expected, perhaps mixed with some sleet starting around 5:00pm on Saturday. Continue Reading →
Current models indicate that precipitation will begin around 7:00am, with periods of light to moderate snow, which will gradually transition to sleet and freezing rain around mid-morning, and then conclude in the early afternoon. Continue Reading →
“We have presented a range of ideas to the town. Those ideas have been brushed off in our opinion, without any counter-suggestions or collaborative process or meaningful contributions to specifically adjust the ideas.” – Brendon DeSimone, Round Hill Association president Continue Reading →
“This is like a weather report. You don’t want to wake up in the morning and find out it snowed all night. You want that information if there’s going to be a snow storm two days earlier. Give me some advance warning.” – Bill Galvin Continue Reading →
DPW Commissioner Jim Michel said about half a dozen different projects had been identified between Old Church Road and Long Island Sound that would help lower the water surface level in the area of the North Street bridge. Continue Reading →
“One of the things we are including in the contract is some temporary traffic calming measures that we can implement as needed, in the event we start seeing people not behaving well on some of the side roads or the detour route itself. We’ll have additional signage and variable message boards – flashing signs – and potentially we can even put in temporary speed humps in some of the smaller surrounding areas if people start using them for cut-throughs.” – DPW commissioner Jim Michel Continue Reading →
The Fairfield Ave Bridge, which crosses over I-95 in Norwalk, has reopened ahead of schedule and under budget. The new bridge, spanning approximately 170 feet in length over I-95, maintains sidewalks on both sides and reduces the width of the vehicle travel lanes to better accommodate bicyclists. Continue Reading →
Last week the CT Dept of Transportation and consultants from CDM Smith hosted a workshop about the Greenwich I-95 PEL study at GHS on Wednesday, followed by a Zoom meeting on Thursday. PEL stands for Planning and Environment and Linkages. Greenwich residents have been following progress closely, and during the Zoom meeting they were eager participants. Questions about I-95 focused on the possibility of sound walls for noise mitigation. The study also includes Route 1, and questions concerned both pedestrian and bike safety. Continue Reading →
The Connecticut Dept of Transportation (CTDOT) is performing a Planning and Environment Linkages (PEL) Study to analyze ways to improve safety & mobility along the I-95 corridor from the New York State Line to Exit 7 in Stamford, and along U.S. Rt 1. Continue Reading →
On Tuesday, the National Weather Service issued a “red flag warning” for much of the New York City metropolitan area. A red flag warning means that critical fire weather conditions are expected or occurring. A combination of strong winds, low relative humidity, and dry fuels will create a significantly elevated fire growth potential. Continue Reading →