On Friday First Selectman Fred Camillo used the town’s civic alert system to issue a statement on the upcoming RTM vote on the appeal by four Byram property owners of the Municipal Improvement status for a new Hamill rink that P&Z approved on Dec 10. The statement includes a link to the all-230 RTM member email and urges residents to use it to express support for the project, including “the flip,” which refers to switching the location of the existing rink with Strazza field so that the rink is located in the middle of the park rather than in the southeast corner and the ballfield is oriented optimally for players. Camillo’s statement in its entirety:
After several decades of debate, and during a time when the Dorothy Hamill Rink is near the end of its useful life, the plan to replace the 53-year-old ice rink received Municipal Improvement (MI) status from the Planning and Zoning Commission with conditions that have to be met. But now that approval has been appealed to the RTM by four Byram residents, one of whom actually voted for the current plan in place as a member of the rink committee. We worked hard to get input from residents for several years. Continue Reading →