The house was built in 1894 in Shingle style with a side-gabled core set off by a three-story, conical-roofed round tower. It features a wraparound porch with Tuscan columns set on pedestals. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/andrew-melillo/)
The house was built in 1894 in Shingle style with a side-gabled core set off by a three-story, conical-roofed round tower. It features a wraparound porch with Tuscan columns set on pedestals. Continue Reading →
“Did the Board of Selectmen bow from pressure by hate groups? No. This is simply not true, but makes for great campaign rhetoric for those who would desire to make a mountain out of an ant hill to energize their political base, rather than be objective and pragmatic.” – Andrew Melillo Continue Reading →
“Public art under this policy is defined as works of art in all artistic disciplines and media that are visually and physically accessible on public property within the Town.” – Greenwich Public Art Policy Continue Reading →
Guess what storied Greenwich property this poem is about? Continue Reading →
Rudyard Kipling was made a Mason in the Lodge of Hope and Perseverance, No. 782, of the English Constitution in Lahore, Punjab India where his father John Lockwood Kipling had taken up a post for the British government. Continue Reading →
This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend. It is a time to relax, fire up the barbeque, and to congregate with family and friends. It is also a time to remember, to reflect, and to pay that rational homage to those who have served in defense of the Republic and have laid down their life for the cause. It is to memorialize them and their sacrifice. Continue Reading →
“What is in a name? A bit of folklore, a lot of history, but also a lot of forgotten or hidden history.” – Andrew Melillo Continue Reading →
“Land is a fickle thing. It goes through the ordeals of profit and progress – but the land is still the land. What was once Steep Hollow, was also Dumpling Pond, and today it is North Mianus – yet what is North Mianus? It is perhaps Cos Cob, perhaps ‘North’ Old Greenwich, and perhaps Riverside.” – Andrew Melillo Continue Reading →
As Grand Historian, Melillo will research, write, and preserve and archive the records of the Grand Lodge of Connecticut as well as serve and help each constituent lodge to do the same for their local records and history across the state. Continue Reading →
Memorial Day is a day to remember the veterans of all wars, especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in defense of the nation. Continue Reading →