Contact Us
Send press releases, tips or story suggestions to [email protected].
Submit a Letter to the Editor
Instructions: Send text of letter for consideration into the body of an email to [email protected] – not as an attachment. Include your name, telephone and address. (Only your name will be published).
We require that letter writers submit their own letters rather than funnel them through a third party. No anonymous letters will be published. We do not require an “exclusive” on letters. You own your words. We encourage letter writers to submit their letters to multiple media outlets.
During election campaign season, we have a hard deadline to submit letters a week before election day. Due to the volume of letters we receive, it is no longer possible to publish every letter regarding candidates.
Why We No Longer Have Site Comments
For several years GFP offered readers the ability to comment on stories using the Disqus app. We asked readers to use their real names and we did not allow threats or foul language. It was possible to moderate comments and delete the ones that violated our polity. Disqus gives a website moderator the commenter’s email and IP address, which gave us the ability to ban a commenter or go to the police if necessary.
For a few years this worked. Then came the November 2017 election.
The number of comments soared, and few people used their real names. Moderating comments and responding to complaints started to take hours. So we pulled the plug.
Our goal is to grow traffic through an ever increasing readership, not grow traffic through the comments section. Does Disqus increase traffic? Yes. But that traffic came at a price. It just wasn’t worth it.
Check out our NPR interview on civility and online commenting just after the November 2017 election.
Website Forced To Pull Comments Section After Nasty Greenwich RTM Race
If you wish to share an opinion, submit a letter to the editor. Or, post a Facebook comment. Facebook requires people to ruse their real names, and our guidelines are the same: no foul language, no threats.