Candace Garthwaite

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Candace Garthwaite Honored for Advocacy for Preservation in Old Greenwich

At the OGA annual meeting Candace Garthwaite was honored. Recently she worked to have Old Greenwich proclaimed as a Village District to help preserve the character of its downtown business district. Also, Martin Waters from Old Greenwich Real Estate LLC, who purchased “the Nolan Estate,” comprised of 17 shops, 17 offices, 10 apartments and 5 warehouses, had no plans whatsoever to change the façades of the buildings on Sound Beach Ave or Arcadia. Continue Reading →

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Protective Instincts for Old Greenwich: Village District Proposal Takes Shape

A coalition of residents including Candace Garthwaite will be submitting a proposal for an Old Greenwich Village District to Greenwich Planning & Zoning commission in coming weeks. Wilton, Ridgefield, New Canaan, Weston, West Haven, Madison and Glastonbury have village districts. Norwalk has four. Continue Reading →

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Old Greenwich Merchants to Town: Increase Parking Enforcement

“If parking is not enforced on Sound Beach, I don’t see the incentive for employees to buy permits for $175….I don’t think I’ve ever seen any parking enforcement on Sound Beach and I’ve been there almost 13 years.” – Abigail Fox, Owner Abigail Fox Designs Continue Reading →

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An Open Letter to the Members of the Board of Estimate and Taxation

“We are as concerned as everyone about the economic impact of the pandemic. However, current indicators suggest our Town’s finances have held steadfast. Property transactions — and conveyance tax revenues — have increased. Divide the $900,000 difference between the BET and BOE budgets by the 16,000 families living in Greenwich and one gets $56.25.” – group letter Continue Reading →

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RTM Declines to Vote on Anti-Tolling Resolution, Votes to Postpone Indefinitely

Dozens spoke out against the anti-tolling resolution, saying the non-partisan RTM should not get involved in state issues. Other disagreed, including Democrats, saying tolls would hurt “the little guy” and be a regressive tax. Continue Reading →

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P&Z Pushes Back on DPW Bridge/Rotary Project on Sound Beach Ave

Jim Michel said the State has set aside $3.8 million in funding, though the current estimate is $4.9 million. “They said they’d honor and bring the funding up to $4.9 million when we submit the final design plans,” he said. One resident warned that the only place where there is free cheese is in a mouse trap. Continue Reading →

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