The Round Hill Association debate Tuesday night was standing room only. Continue Reading →
John Conte
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New “Juvenile” Magnolia Replaces Century Old Tree on Field Point Rd
First Lutheran Church Pastor Scamman said the church was happy to discover the tree would have a 15-year head start over a sapling. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Fairfield House & Garden, Frank Parker, Greenwich Tree Conservancy, JoAnn Messina, John Conte, Magnolia, Pastor Evan Pastor Scamman
ARC: Four Story, 8-30g in Chickahominy will change the character of the neighborhood on a massive scale
An attorney and architect representing Joe Pecora presented new renderings of a proposed building at 171 Hamilton Ave submitted under the state’s affordable housing statute. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Real Estate, Graziano Meniconi, Heidi Brake Smith, Joe Pecora, John Conte, Kate LoBalbo, Michael Boender
Round Hill Association Debate Draws Distinctions between State Senate Candidates
This week the Round Hill Association held a debate among the three candidates seeking to fill the State Senate seat in 36th district that Democrat Alex Kasser resigned from in June. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Alexis Gevanter, August 17 special election, John Blankley, John Conte, Round Hill Association, Ryan Fazio, State Senate 36th district
Public Art: Mural May Grace Concrete Wall on East Putnam Ave across from GHS
A proposed “Pollinator Pathway” mural painted on the concrete wall at the bus stop across from GHS would feature butterflies and flowers. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Arts, Government, Transportation, bus shelter, East Putnam Ave, Greenscape Committee, Greenwich High School, John Conte
Tree Hearing: Residents Urge Compromise to Spare Mature Oak Tree on Greenwich Ave
“We need to be placing a much higher level of importance on every tree.” – John Conte Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Alyssa Keleshian, Bill Lewis, Dr. Greg Kramer, Francia Alvarez, Green & Clean, Greenscape Committee, Jason Kaufman
LWV/Round Hill Assoc Zoom Panel with Selectmen Touches on Rainy Day Fund, Absentee Ballots, Tipping Fees
Questions were funneled through John Conte, president of the RHA, and Sandy Waters, president of the LWV Greenwich. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Fred Camillo, Jill Oberlander, John Conte, Lauren Rabin, League of Women Voters, Round Hill Association, Sandy Waters
Round Hill Selectmen Candidates Debate Flashpoints: Financing Capital Projects, Partisanship, P3s, Public Housing
Questions came from the Northwest Greenwich Association, the Northeast Greenwich Association and the Round Hill Association, as well as from the audience. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, 8-30g, affordable housing, Allen Williams, Fred Camillo, Historic Overlay, Housing Authority of the Town of Greenwich, Inland-Wetlands and Watercourses Agency
WETLANDS WATCH: 28 Proposed Residences at Former Mel Gibson Estate Scrutinized
About 100 residents wearing “RHA” stickers for Round Hill Association attended Monday’s Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Agency meeting to object to a proposed development of 28 single family homes organized as condominiums with a community center at 124 Old Mill Road. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Real Estate, Bill Galvin, Elliot Benton, Greenwich Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Agency, John Conte, John Tesei, Mel Gibson
20-Unit Apartment Building Does Not Fare Well in Architectural Critique
A 20-Unit apartment building with four units of workforce housing submitted under the 6-110 moderate income housing regulation is proposed on East Putnam Ave between Pet Pantry and McDonald’s in Riverside. Continue Reading →