Under the proposed budget, the mill rate would increase from 12.175 to 12.262, for an increase of 0.087. A homeowner with a $1 M assessed home value would see a $550 increase in annual property taxes. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/fred-camillo/)
Under the proposed budget, the mill rate would increase from 12.175 to 12.262, for an increase of 0.087. A homeowner with a $1 M assessed home value would see a $550 increase in annual property taxes. Continue Reading →
“We have presented a range of ideas to the town. Those ideas have been brushed off in our opinion, without any counter-suggestions or collaborative process or meaningful contributions to specifically adjust the ideas.” – Brendon DeSimone, Round Hill Association president Continue Reading →
“The RTM has spoken.” – Janet Stone McGuigan Continue Reading →
After about 40 speakers addressed the 230-member body, the motion failed in a vote: 52 Yes, 136 No and 6 Abstentions. Continue Reading →
“One of the things we are including in the contract is some temporary traffic calming measures that we can implement as needed, in the event we start seeing people not behaving well on some of the side roads or the detour route itself. We’ll have additional signage and variable message boards – flashing signs – and potentially we can even put in temporary speed humps in some of the smaller surrounding areas if people start using them for cut-throughs.” – DPW commissioner Jim Michel Continue Reading →
On Monday a complaint landed in superior court in Stamford with First Selectman Fred Camillo and the Town of Greenwich listed as plaintiffs and the Board of Education and its four Democratic members – Karen Hirsh, Laura Kostin, Sophie Koven and Kathleen Stowe – listed individually as defendants. Republican Jen Behette is described in the complaint as “purported BOE member (via an unlawful appointment),” and is also named as a defendant. Continue Reading →
Saturday was First Light in Old Greenwich, an annual holiday event that brings people together from all parts of town. Sound Beach Ave was closed to traffic for the celebration, and families enjoyed rides in antique fire trucks, live music, and a visit from Santa. Continue Reading →
Allen O’Farrell, a Greenwich Lion member and Lions Past District Governor led the program as Master of Ceremonies. The Keynote Speaker was Mark Lyon, Second Vice President of Lions Club International. Continue Reading →
During a Board of Selectmen special meeting, the 3-person board voted 2-1 in favor of seeking a temporary restraining order challenging the legality of the Board of Education’s meetings since Oct 21, 2024. In response the BOE chair pushed back, saying, “We are the Board of Ed, not the Board of Fred, and were elected to work for the children, parents, and residents of this school district, not the First Selectman.” Continue Reading →
Newly elected BOE officers are: Karen Hirsh as Board Chair, Jen Behette as Vice Chair and Laura Kostin as Secretary. Continue Reading →