Greenwich Democrats Annual Picnic featured remarks from Richard Blumenthal, Governor Ned Lamont, Congressman Jim Himes, Senator Chris Murphy, Attorney General William Tong, Secretary of State Denise Merrill, State Senator Alex Bergstein, State Rep Steve Meskers and Greenwich Candidates including Jill Oberlander and Sandy Litvack. Continue Reading →
Laura Erickson
Recent Posts
GEA President Warns BOE: ‘Lost Year’ at GHS May Take on New Meaning
At Wednesday’s BOE meeting, Student government leaders from GHS, the head of the teachers’ union and the superintendent all shared remarks on the issues with the new bell times. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, Schools, Sports, Alissa Landberg, Barbara O'Neill, Carol Sutton, Debbie Appelbaum, Dr. Gaetane Francis
Greenwich Board of Education Green Lights GHS Lights Litigation
A public hearing at CMS on Tuesday night featured about 15 speakers, mostly in favor of litigation, followed by discussion among the BOE members on the pros and cons of launching litigation versus waiting to have more conversations with GHS neighbors. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Schools, Sports, Barbara O'Neill, bubble, Cardinal Field, Central Middle School, Dawn Stevens
Sue Rogers: Re-Elect Bernstein for Integrity on the Board of Education
“Replaying the Board’s history of harassing our Superintendents must stop once and for all.” – Sue Rogers, past PTA president and PTA Council President Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor, Barbara O'Neill, Dr. Jill Gildean, Gaetane Francis, Greenwich Public Schools, Jason Auerbach, Jennifer Dayton, Laura Erickson
Parents, Students Line up to Share Feedback with BOE on New School Start Time
Complaints after 8 full days of the new school start times ranged from buses being late to impacts on scheduling sports practices and games. Many thanked the BOE for the change and said students are getting to school alert and that the benefits last throughout the day. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, Sports, Barbara O'Neill, Debra Smith, Dr. Chris Winters, Dr. Gaetane Francis, Dr. Jill Gildea, Greenwich Board of Education
PHOTOS: Greenwich Public Schools Convocation is a Warm Welcome Back
There were lots of hugs and high-fives as teachers got together for convocation at Greenwich High School on Monday, Aug 28. There were several speakers, including Dr. Jill Gildea, Thomas Murray, Bridget Suvansri, Greg Goldstein and GEA president Carol Sutton. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Schools, Abby Ostruzka, Angela Schmidt, Barbara O'Neill, Bridget Suvansri, Debbie Appelbaum, Dr. Jill Gildea, Gaetane Francis
Malloy’s Budget Chief Wants to Nix State Funding for New Leb School Construction
“The state should not step in to pay for a for a new school – which may or may not solve the problematic racial disparity within the Greenwich School district.” Benjamin Barnes Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Schools, Benjamin Barnes, Board of Education, Board of Selectmen, Governor Dannel Malloy, Laura Erickson, New Lebanon Building Committee
Greenwich Free Press Year in Photos, 2016
Highlights of people and events from 2016 in Greenwich. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Anthony Muskus, Aquarion, Augustine's Farm, Barbara O'Neill, Bob Lynagh, Carlos Hernandez, Caroline Janney
Board of Selectmen Install Peter Sherr as Board of Ed Chair; Laura Erickson is Out
Democrat Drew Marzullo said parents of children in Greenwich Public Schools “don’t give a rat’s ass whether you have an R or a D affiliated with your name…. They believe in results. Who will best Lead. Who will keep their children safe. Who will work well with others,” he said. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Schools, Barbara O'Neill, Board of Education, Board of Seletmen, Drew Marzullo, John Toner, Laura Erickson, Lauren Rabin
Board of Education Vote on Chairman Ends in a Tie, Consideration Deferred to Dec 1
After a vote down party lines, neither of two nominees for chairman of the Board of Education had the required five votes out of eight. Continue Reading →