David Weisbrod

Recent Posts

North Street Bridge Project Leads to DPW “Projects of Opportunity” to Address West Brothers Brook Drainage

DPW Commissioner Jim Michel said about half a dozen different projects had been identified between Old Church Road and Long Island Sound that would help lower the water surface level in the area of the North Street bridge. Continue Reading →

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BET Chair’s Tie-Breaking Vote Means Decision on Funding Greenwich Ave Intersection Improvements is Postponed

Several Republican members of the BET questioned whether Greenwich Avenue was even out of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Karen Fassuliotis said the ADA law included a “Safe Harbor” clause meant that if there was compliance with the 1991 ADA or 2010 ADA standards for curb cuts, it wasn’t necessary to upgrade them when there is repaving. Continue Reading →

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BET Democratic Candidates: BET Republicans Need To Fund Old Greenwich School Now!

“We fully support funding for the Old Greenwich School renovation and urge the BET Republicans to advance this important, community-supported project without delay.” – Greenwich Democratic candidates for Board of Estimate and Taxation Elliot Alchek, Matt DesChamps, Scott Kalb, Leslie Moriarty, Steve Selbst and David Weisbrod Continue Reading →

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Greenwich Democrats Nominate Slate of Candidates for 2023 Municipal Elections

Running on a platform focused on protecting property values, supporting Greenwich schools and competent, compassionate governance with all residents in mind, Greenwich Democrats pledged to usher in an era of visionary, forward-looking leadership. Continue Reading →

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BET’s “Ugly, Messy Conversation” on Discontinuing OGS Independent Cost Estimator Project

The BET met Monday and the agenda included a motion presented by Democratic member Leslie Moriarty to discontinue the Old Greenwich School cost estimate project. Mr. Ramer said the process had become tainted because one member of the BET had talked to a bidder. Continue Reading →

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