Joe Siciliano

Recent Posts

RTM Committees Balk at Flaws in Rink Process; All Vote to Reject the MI

After a group meeting, four committees went to separate rooms in town hall to discuss and vote on the appeal of the ice rink MI. Land Use Committee: 4 yes, 5 no, 1 abstain. Public Works Committee: 1 yes; 9 no. Finance Committee: 3 yes, 6 no, 1 abstain. Last week, the Budget Overview Committee also voted to reject: 2 yes, 7 no, 3 abstain. Continue Reading →

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At Memorable P&Z Meeting, Byram Neighbors Again Push Back on “The Rink Flip”

The proposal is again for “the flip,” which refers to switching the location of the existing 70’s era Hamill Rink with Strazza field, so that the new 42,000 sq ft rink (10,000 sq ft larger than the existing building) would be toward the middle of the park rather than tucked in the corner as it is now. Continue Reading →

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Camillo Awards “Griff” Golf Course Restaurant Concession to Deli Despite Being #2 Scorer on RFP

“The Town has a history of looking at the whole application, not just bid price. In 1991, I was part of Greenwich Recycling Company that bid on the Town recycling contract. We were outbid, but the Town went with us as we were all local guys who formed the company and also added some features that the top bidder did not.” – Fred Camillo Continue Reading →

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Hard Hat Tour of the Cohen Eastern Greenwich Civic Center, On Track to Open in Fall 2024

During a hard hat tour, we stepped inside the Cohen Eastern Greenwich Civic center building, which is anticipated to open this fall. From the multi-purpose event space with catering kitchen to the gymnasium with its 6 basketball hoops and traditional wood floor, everything in the building is state-of-the-art and designed to be secure, fully ADA complaint and ready for solar panels. Continue Reading →

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Requested Waiver for Permit for St Roch’s Feast Procession Determined Unnecessary

Parks & Rec Dept director Joe Siciliano said as of Thursday morning the application had been submitted, the fee paid, and the insurance submitted, but the only detail holding up the permit was the date on the insurance was incorrect. Continue Reading →

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