Paul Cappiali

Recent Posts

Greenwich Sues Greenwich: First Selectman Camillo vs School Board Democrats

On Monday a complaint landed in superior court in Stamford with First Selectman Fred Camillo and the Town of Greenwich listed as plaintiffs and the Board of Education and its four Democratic members – Karen Hirsh, Laura Kostin, Sophie Koven and Kathleen Stowe – listed individually as defendants. Republican Jen Behette is described in the complaint as “purported BOE member (via an unlawful appointment),” and is also named as a defendant. Continue Reading →

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Cappiali Appears Briefly as BOE Panelist; Demoted to Attendee over Republican Objections

During public comment GEA president Lil Perrone said she was very disappointed with recent events. “I’m personally tired of hearing about ‘the will of the people.’…At our town hall your actions, words and the decisions you are making are hurting our students and our staff. Staff morale is down. This is part of it. You need to get your house in order and start making decisions that are best. Let our Board of Education do their job. Let our teachers who are educators do their job. People who know nothing about education need to stay in their lane.” Continue Reading →

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Selectmen Vote 2-0-1 to Appoint Cappiali to BOE Vacancy; Town and BOE to Litigate

On Monday the BOE voted 4-1 to fill their Republican vacancy with Jen Behette. At Tuesday’s special meeting of the Selectmen, Town attorney Schellenberg said the Selectmen could appoint a qualified person to fill a vacancy on any town board of commission if that vacancy hasn’t been filled in 30 days, pursuant to CGS section 7-107. Democratic Selectperson Stone McGuigan said the BOE was a state body, not a town board of commission. Continue Reading →

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State Representative Candidates Face Off: Who is living in La La Land?

“I’ve always supported local control. I’m not in favor of high rises. I was born in the Bronx and lived in Brooklyn before I moved to Greenwich. If I wanted high rises I would have stayed in Brooklyn.” – State Rep Steve Meskers (D-150) Continue Reading →

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Greenwich RTC Slate for November 5, 2024 Election: Fazio, Cappiali, Laudonia, Courpas, DeCaro

The slate includes Senator Ryan Fazio for re-election and Fred DeCaro for Republican Registrar of Voters. Also, State Rep candidates Tina Courpas for 149th district, Tod Laudonia for 151st district and Paul Cappiali for the 150th district. Continue Reading →

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Requested Waiver for Permit for St Roch’s Feast Procession Determined Unnecessary

Parks & Rec Dept director Joe Siciliano said as of Thursday morning the application had been submitted, the fee paid, and the insurance submitted, but the only detail holding up the permit was the date on the insurance was incorrect. Continue Reading →

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