“…plans have been made for upgrades, enhancements, and additions for three athletic fields…This small park is used by people for many things; recreation, walking, jogging, walking dogs, etc.” – Susan C Whitaker Continue Reading →
Bible Street Park
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Field Improvements Proposed for Bible Street Park by Greenwich Parks & Rec
The Bible Street fields were identified for a 50/70 baseball field (in addition to the existing softball field) and a small-sided soccer field in between, to be used exclusively for games – not for practice. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Real Estate, Sports, 50/70 baseball field, baseball field, Bible Street, Bible Street Park, Cos Cob
Drainage in Cos Cob: What’s the Cost of Doing Nothing?
And like the previous meetings for the Pemberwick and Brothers Brook drainage area neighbors responded with frustration that the town wasn’t doing more to mitigate flooding and the emphasis on action items was for residents to do their own flood mitigation. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Real Estate, Army Corps of Engineers, Arn Welles, Bible Street Park, Chris von Keyserling, coastal flooding, Cos Cob
Greenwich Tree Warden Announces Decision on Two Oak Saplings Neighbor Wants Removed
“Trees are not to be removed ‘for doing what trees do naturally’. Trees are not to be removed for shedding fruit, nuts, leaves, twigs and small branches, or for sheltering wildlife.” – Bruce Spaman Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Government, Bible Street Park, Bruce Spaman, Cos Cob, oak trees
Two Trees Proposed to Be Removed from Bible Street Park
A public hearing is scheduled for February 22 to discuss the possible removal of two trees from Bible Street Park. The department has not indicated why the trees would need to go. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Bible Street Park, Bruce Spaman
Greenwich Youth Conservation Program Grateful to Greenwich Teen Volunteers
Remarkably, 110 of the 112 teens who participated in the 2017 Greenwich Youth Conservation Program said they had a positive experience. Continue Reading →