affordable housing

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P&Z Watch: Is 92-Unit 8-30g “The Missing Tooth” in the Fabric of Downtown Greenwich?

The commission said they were unsure that existing legal non-conformities would carry over to a new development because while non-conformities travel with a property, when 9 properties are merged, the legal non-conformities might cease to exist. There were also concerns about the optics of developing affordable housing on a contaminated site. Continue Reading →

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P&Z Watch: Does Separating Market Rate from Affordables in 2 Buildings Pass the Sniff Test?

“I’m very sensitive every time I testify in Hartford about the perception of Greenwich and the treatment I get when I’m testifying because I’m from Greenwich. I want to show that we’re putting our best foot forward and making a genuine effort. I want to pass the sniff test.” – P&Z chair Margarita Alban Continue Reading →

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P&Z Feedback on Oak Ridge 8-30g: How is this good for the town?

“I’m seeing such a tight development. What should give hints of green space, there is a little patio and it’s sitting on top of a parking garage. That’s pretty much it. You have low affordability, you have no outside space, and you’re basically building to the edges.”– Margarita Alban Continue Reading →

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P&Z Watch: Greenwich Communities Proposal for Cos Cob Parking Lot – “Inward Facing and Closed Off”

“What we try to do when we build these new housing communities is not build them in environmental injustice zones – not between loud train stations and loud highways with a large amount of air pollution.” – Kate LoBalbo, Cos Cob Continue Reading →

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ERICKSON: Local Control Requires Local Action

“Once we have demonstrated progress, our State delegation in Hartford will be empowered to continue to push back on onerous state legislation bolstered with data and evidence that Greenwich has local and tangible solutions that work. It’s up to us, and if I am elected First Selectperson, this issue will be of highest priority.” – Laura Erickson, Democratic candidate for First Selectperson Continue Reading →

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Details Emerge as Greenwich Communities Eyes Air Rights on Underused Commuter Lot in Cos Cob

All the units would be for the town workforce. They would be two-bedroom apartments, about 1200 sq ft each, each with its own laundry and two bathrooms. There would be six units per floor for a total of 12 units per building. Continue Reading →

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Barolak & Camillo: Affordable Housing Trust Fund is Win-Win

“The Trust has so far approved modest sized loans to five 8-30g projects. In exchange, the developers of those projects have agreed to reduce the size of their buildings by almost 40% on average.” – Bob Barolak, Chair of the Greenwich Affordable Housing Trust Fund and Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo Continue Reading →

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