Longtime LWV moderator Kay Maxwell and GHS senior Zarah Haque took turns asking the questions. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/gun-safety/)
Longtime LWV moderator Kay Maxwell and GHS senior Zarah Haque took turns asking the questions. Continue Reading →
The debate included an accusation of plagiarism and a complaint about mansplaining. Continue Reading →
The Round Hill Association debate Tuesday night was standing room only. Continue Reading →
“I fully support Connecticut’s ban on assault weapons. There is simply no need for anyone to own a military style weapon that has only one intended purpose—to kill as many people as possible in the least amount of time.” – Rachel Khanna Continue Reading →
On Saturday, June 11 there will be a March For Our Lives rally at 11:00am at Mill River Park, Broad St. & Washington Blvd in Stamford to demand an end to gun violence. Continue Reading →
The event was organized by My Voting Power Greenwich and sponsored by Greenwich Sentinel, WGCH 1490 AM and Moore Associates. Continue Reading →
“While Fiorello lost in North Stamford, and the GOP margin was significantly reduced in Greenwich as compared to previous races, she did manage to eke out a win of 394 votes. And a win is a win, so here we are.” – Michelle Abt, for CT149 Truth Brigade, a group of concerned constituents from Greenwich and North Stamford Continue Reading →
Hundreds of Greenwich High School students participated in a national walk out to protest gun violence on Thursday. Continue Reading →
Hundreds of students, many with homemade posters demanding gun control, organized a peaceful protest and march on the GHS campus on Friday, April 20 at 10:00am. Continue Reading →
Hundreds gathered in Stamford’s Mill River Park for the March for Our Lives demonstration. About a dozen high school students spoke. Paul Simon sang The Sound of Silence. Continue Reading →