Pat Sesto, Greenwich’s Director of Environmental Affairs, addressed the RMA on Wednesday. It was the first in a new RMA speaker series: “Greenwich: What Does the Future Hold?” Continue Reading →
BYO Greenwich
Recent Posts
Experience The Sound to Feature 40+ Groups, Free Raw Bar, Family-Friendly Activities
The family-friendly event features 40+ groups, all with information and activities. The event is free and open to the public. There will be face painting, a free raw bar and tours of the schooner SoundWaters, a Marine Police boat, and a shellfish barge. Come learn about all the seps being taken to protect the Sound and its creatures. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Bruce Museum Seaside Center, BYO Greenwich, Conservation Commission, Experience the Sound, From Streams Through Soil to Sea, Greenwich Point, Innis Arden Cottage
Greenwich Beach Clean Up Yields Abundant Plastic, Clothes, Buoys and More
About 200 volunteers showed up for the beach clean up on Sunday. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Bob Conlon, BYO Greenwich, Greenwich High School, Isabelle Abbasi, Jeanette Petit, Jeanine Behr Getz, Julie DesChamps
Skip the Straw to Screen Documentary “Straws” at Cole Auditorium, Highlight School Projects
Mia Nixon will share her adventures with 5 Gyres and EarthEcho International, and Jack Egan of Surfrider Connecticut will inspire action against plastic pollution. Learn from student change makers how to reduce plastic waste at home and school! Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, BYO Greenwich, Skip the Straw
BYO Greenwich Distributes Reusable Bags: Use Less Plastic, Pesticides and Pollutants
BYO Greenwich distributed reusable shopping bags to residents at local grocery stores over the weekend. The message printed on the bags said, “Use less plastic, pesticides and other pollutants. Protect our families, communities and the planet we share.” Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, BYO Greenwich
GHS Seniors Seek Your Photos to Encourage Use of Reusable Bags
Michelle Xiong and Michelle Fu are creating a fun video to encourage the use of reusable bags in Greenwich for their senior project. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, BYO Greenwich, Michelle Fu, Michelle Xiong, recycling, reusable bags
Fiscal Femmes Announce Name Change to Fiscal Freedom for CT
“Fiscal Freedom for CT continues to believe the best way to improve our community is to focus on less taxes and regulation which will result in a positive quality of life, strong job growth and a pro-business environment.” – Laura Gladstone Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, BYO Greenwich, Fiscal Femmes, Laura Gladstone, RTM
PHOTOS: Last Taste of Summer, Delicious on What Felt Like First Day of Fall
The first ever “Last Taste of Summer” in Roger Sherman Baldwin Park on Saturday was a celebration of both beer and the prospect of sustainability. Continue Reading →