Lucia Jansen

Recent Posts

BET Chair’s Tie-Breaking Vote Means Decision on Funding Greenwich Ave Intersection Improvements is Postponed

Several Republican members of the BET questioned whether Greenwich Avenue was even out of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Karen Fassuliotis said the ADA law included a “Safe Harbor” clause meant that if there was compliance with the 1991 ADA or 2010 ADA standards for curb cuts, it wasn’t necessary to upgrade them when there is repaving. Continue Reading →

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Binney to Boccuzzi: RTM Okays Interim Funding for Multi-Use Trail Feasibility Study

“If you are frustrated by traffic, if you’re concerned about letting your kids walk to school, if you’re sick of not being able to find a parking space, this is one of the solutions that we have. Let’s explore our town, our neighborhoods and let’s explore Stamford.” – Lucy von Brachel Continue Reading →

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Landslide RTM Vote: Appropriation of $42 Million Approved for Central Middle School

“Literally, tonight the world is watching this vote. Knowing that the number one reason people move to Greenwich is quality of schools, very real estate firm that serves our market around the globe will be talking first thing tomorrow morning about the vote of the RTM on the Central Middle School tonight.” – Tony Turner, Central Middle School building committee chair Continue Reading →

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With RTM Authority Challenged, RTM Votes to Appeal Ruling of Town Law Dept

Assistant Town Attorney Aamina Ahmad said the town legal dept determine the motion to amend a proposed ordinance to direct 50% of fire dept fees to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund was not in legal order.
Tom Byrne disagreed. He said the RTM was the ordinance-adopting authority in town. He urged appealing the Law Department’s opinion. Continue Reading →

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RTM Approval of $500K CTCL Grant in Jeopardy after Claims Votes Weren’t Counted

The vote to approve the grant passed with a total of 210 votes – 104 in favor, 101 against and 5 abstentions.
After the announcement of the vote, there was a bit of a kerfuffle and members interrupted the moderator during discussion of item 11 to say some people believed their votes had not been counted. Continue Reading →

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