Organizers can accept up to 5 boxes of paper per car from Greenwich Residents only. Continue Reading →
Recent Posts
LETTER: After Earth Day, Then What?
“As the leaves open on the trees and our gardens come to life please take a moment each day to consider the fragile state of our planet.” – Joanne Clark Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor, Earth Day, GRAB, Green & Clean, Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board, Hazardous Waste Day, Waste Free Greenwich
Greenwich Launches Townwide Textile Recycling Program
In the US, 85% of textiles are tossed in the trash, but nearly all can be reused and recycled as secondhand clothing, rags and even building materials. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Government, Fairco-Greentree, GRAB, Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board, textile recycling
Greenwich’s Voluntary Food Scrap Recycling Pilot Gets Under Way
The Town of Greenwich, in partnership with Waste Free Greenwich, Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board (GRAB) and Greenwich Green & Clean, announces the launch of the municipal food scrap recycling pilot on Monday, June 15, 2020. The drop-off food scrap recycling pilot is voluntary and free to all Greenwich residents with a permit to Holly Hill Resource Recovery Facility. Residents will collect food scraps at home in accordance withguidelines and bring them to the designated drop-off location next to the trash building at Holly Hill. The food scrap kits include a small bin you can keep in your kitchen, and a larger bin you can keep in your garage. You can purchase compostable bags to line the bin with. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, food scrap recycling, food scraps, GRAB, Green & Clean, Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board, Holly Hill, Julie DesChamps
DesChamps: ‘Pay As You Throw’ at Holly Hill Will Bring A Sustainable Future
“Over 40% of recoverable materials in residential trash are compostable organics, and this figure skyrockets to 68% for restaurants and 51% for grocery stores. …The majority of food waste from Greenwich businesses ends up on the tipping floor at a cost to taxpayers.” – Julie DesChamps, Founder, Waste Free Greenwich Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor, Conservation Commission, DPW, GRAB, Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board, Holly Hill, Julie DesChamps, Pay as You Throw
Conservation Commission Event to Explain Proposed Pay-As-You-Throw Program
Learn about the proposed Pay-As-You-Throw program and ways to reduce your trash by waste diversion and recycling. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Business, Government, Central Middle School, Connecticut DEEP, Fred Camillo, GRAB, KristenBrown
Food Scrap Recycling Enthusiasts Tout Benefits to Greenwich’s Budget, Environment, Social Justice
Soon residents will be able to purchase kits to use to set aside food waste inside a compostable bag with food scraps, as well as coffee grinds, egg shells, bones, meat, oyster shells, and even napkins. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Government, Volunteering, Aleks Moch, Ali Ghiorse, Betsy Champy, Dept of Public Works, food scrap recycling
Conservation Commission, GRAB Offer Tips for a Sustainable Holiday Season
Choose LED over incandescent. LED lights last longer, use less energy and are more environmentally friendly. Lights can be dropped off at the designated electronics area at Holly Hill Transfer Center. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Holiday, Conservation Commission, GRAB, recycling
Shredding Volunteers Ready to Celebrate Earth Day in Greenwich
Shredding Volunteers Ready to Celebrate Earth Day in Greenwich Shredding Day is Saturday, April 27. Greenwich residents can shred between 9:30am and 12 noon at Island Beach parking lot. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, GRAB, Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board, Greenwich Shredding Day, Orvis, Santaguida Sanitation, The First Bank of Greenwich
Popular Paper Shredding Event Returns for 2019
The cost is $2 per box of paper (cash only). There is a maximum of 5 boxes per car. Box size is 12” x18” x12″ and papers you want shredded should be brought inside a cardboard box or rigid container. Boxes will be emptied and returned. Continue Reading →