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BET Chair’s Tie-Breaking Vote Means Decision on Funding Greenwich Ave Intersection Improvements is Postponed

Several Republican members of the BET questioned whether Greenwich Avenue was even out of compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Karen Fassuliotis said the ADA law included a “Safe Harbor” clause meant that if there was compliance with the 1991 ADA or 2010 ADA standards for curb cuts, it wasn’t necessary to upgrade them when there is repaving. Continue Reading →

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PTA Council Response to BET Budget Vote: “Nickel and Diming, Delaying School Capital Projects Short-Changes Our Children”

“On Tuesday, April 4, the Greenwich Board of Estimate & Taxation (BET) met for Decision Day. Fourteen hours of rancorous debate were on vivid display, the best interests of our children and schools went missing in action, and the BET delivered a disappointing town budget. ” – PTA Council Continue Reading →

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Gunzburg & Cowie: ADA TOG Liability Due to Inaction on Municipal Improvement at Arch & Grigg Streets

“The part that screams insanity to us is that our legislative body, the (RTM), and the BET, the parts of government that should be the most risk averse, act with reckless regard to their responsibility to not financially harm our town. Delaying this approval will place the grant money in jeopardy.” – Alan Gunzburg and Stephanie Cowie, First Selectman’s Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities chair and vice chair Continue Reading →

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