The partnership raises money for the Greenwich Police Department Scholarship Fund during the month of September through sales from a special menu featuring three new items. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/greenwich-police-chief-heavey/)
The partnership raises money for the Greenwich Police Department Scholarship Fund during the month of September through sales from a special menu featuring three new items. Continue Reading →
Lori Contadino, Director of the Greenwich Commission on Aging, and the staff at the Greenwich Senior Center, know that a nice holiday meal makes almost everyone a little happier. Continue Reading →
Last year alone YWCA Greenwich staff responded to more than 3,700 calls to their hotline, in addition to walk-ins to the building from victims, friends, family an co-workers. Continue Reading →
Four men, who all happen to reside in New York, were sworn in as Greenwich Police Department’s newest officers. Several have family who are police officers. One has an older brother on the Greenwich force. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Police Chief Heavey shared his stories of time spent in the FBI National Academy, as well as some of his challenges in Greenwich serving as chief of police. Continue Reading →
Chief Heavey will discuss the crucial role of police, and, in particular the interesting training he received at the National FBI Academy, covering among other things, response to terrorism. Continue Reading →
“Although it was not during normal business hours, the Chief of Police is never off duty,” said Lt. Gray of Police Chief Heavey’s arrest of a drunk driver who had been spotted by a witness at the Taco Bell drive-through. “If there is a crime, accident or any disturbance in town, the Chief is often the first one there.” Continue Reading →
On Sept 27, the community is invited to Joey B’s in Cos Cob to thank a cop in person, sign a banner, pick up a blue rubber “thank a cop” bracelet and take home a blue ribbon to tie to trees in Greenwich neighborhoods for a townwide show of gratitude. Continue Reading →
Sunshine and smiles abounded at the 8th Annual Greenwich Wiffle Ball Tournament. Directed by Greenwich Police Department’s Silver Shield Association, the tournament was a tremendous success, boasting 44 teams, one nugget nation mascot, police officers (on and off the field), and a slew of spectators and staff. Continue Reading →
“He epitomized the old saying, ‘There is no limit to the amount of good you can do as long as you don’t care who gets the credit.'” – US Senator Blumenthal Continue Reading →