Previous recipients include Livvy Floren, Icy and Scott Frantz, Ed Dadakis, and Terry Betteridge. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/david-theis/)
Previous recipients include Livvy Floren, Icy and Scott Frantz, Ed Dadakis, and Terry Betteridge. Continue Reading →
The Glenville Volunteer Fire Company is set to honor Terry Betteridge, owner and chief executive officer, Betteridge fine Jewelers, with the second annual David N. Theis Award for outstanding service to the community on Thursday, Oct. 27, 2016. Continue Reading →
“He epitomized the old saying, ‘There is no limit to the amount of good you can do as long as you don’t care who gets the credit.'” – US Senator Blumenthal Continue Reading →
Top stories on Greenwich Free Press December 21-28, 2014. WGCH TRANSCRIPT: Housing Authority Leader Accuses Booth Ct Mother of Child with Lead Poisoning of Slander
On Dec. 19 Sam Romeo took a call from a woman who initially identified herself as Shirley. The caller was Dawn Fortunato who is a longtime neighbor of Armstrong Court and the former town dump, now “Holly Hill Resource Recovery Facility.” Fortunato took Romeo to task for the Housing Authority’s claim that soil samples tfrom the northwest corner of the public housing complex were “clean” as stated on the authority’s website. Continue Reading →