On Saturday a rescheduled September Coastal Cleanup drew many intrepid volunteers to Tod’s Point, braving the persistent rain. Continue Reading →
Danielle Sittol
Recent Posts
Yellow Tulip Project: Weekend Bulb Planting is a Reminder There’s Hope. It’s Okay to Seek Help.
The Yellow Tulip Project aims to smash the stigma that surrounds talking about mental health issues and prevents people from seeking help. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, Schools, Bridget Carriello, Carina Restrepo, Clare Carroll, Danielle Jean-Guillaume Sittol, Danielle Sittol, Darrin Wigglesworth
Police and Local Groups Work to Foster Healthy Relationships with Teens
“We continue to cope with the impact of the disruptions and lack of engagement caused by the pandemic.” – Danielle Sittol, Youth Services Bureau at Greenwich’s Dept of Human Services Continue Reading →