Aleksandra Moch of the Town’s Conservation Commission celebrated the installation of Greenwich’s new public charging station at Town Hall.
“Greenwich desperately lacks charging opportunities, and this is key to meeting the needs of electric car drivers,” she said.

Installed at the Town Hall parking lot on January 27, 2021 and located on the middle level, the dual charger is the first public charger in town to serve all types of electric vehicles. Long coming, it will satisfy the needs of the 795 electric vehicles registered in the town, according to data provided by the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles.
“This new charging station will help address range anxiety and encourage more drivers to switch to emission free cars. More electric vehicles on the road will improve our air quality, decrease noise pollution, and help to combat harmful climate changing effects,” said Patricia Sesto, Director of Environmental Affairs and co-chairman of the Sustainability Committee.
“Range anxiety,” as it is termed, is a known hurdle for many people who would entertain the idea of an electric vehicle but are concerned about the ability to refuel away from home.
Providing consistent charging opportunities is a focus for EV readiness being championed at the state and federal level. In April of 2020 the state set their goals into motion with the publication of their EV Roadmap for Connecticut.
“This is an important milestone for the town and our commitment to make
Greenwich EV ready,” said Jill Oberlander, Select person and co-chair of the Sustainability Committee, adding, “With numerous car manufacturers looking to EV cars, all or a significant part of their offerings by 2030, we have to take this effort seriously to meet the community’s needs.”
The equipment is leased from ChargePoint, Inc. and will cost users $2.11 for two hours or $0.16/kwh.
Alan Monelli, Superintendent of Buildings, Ben Branyan, Town Administrator, and Abby Wadler, Assistant Town Attorney are credited with the tenacity to work though the logistical and contractual issues to launch this first municipal charger.
“With the transportation sector being the largest source of air pollution in
Connecticut, EVs have strongly emerged as an effective way for individuals to cost-efficiently reduce their personal ‘carbon footprint.’ We have to continue to make the benefits of EVs readily accessible to even more drivers and continue building the infrastructure,” said Ms Moch.
Moch is the leader of the Transportation and Air Quality subcommittee working under the umbrella of the Sustainability Committee.