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RMA Featured Speaker Robert J Fiske, Jr to Share Memorable Major Law Cases

Robert J Fiske, Jr. will discuss his view from the center of several memorable, major law cases in which he served as attorney, prosecutor or Independent Counsel, including Donald Trump and the U.S. Football League versus the National Football League (a defeat for Mr. Trump and the USFL, who were awarded $1). Also, the successful criminal prosecution in the late 1970’s of Nicky Barnes, a notorious Harlem drug lord, who had for years managed to elude law enforcement. Continue Reading →

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US Senator Chris Murphy Talks Tough on Trump, “Military Policy is Not Foreign Policy”

US Senator Chris Murphy from Connecticut talked about the state of the US democracy and how checks & balances have succeeded and failed in the new Trump administration. He said Trump mistakes military policy for foreign policy and described his approach as dangerously improvisational.
Murphy answered questions about gerrymandering, income disparity, immigration and the minimum wage. Continue Reading →

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RMA March 1 Featured Speaker, Michael Baker: The Key Global Threats Facing the New US Administration

Michael Baker is President and Co-founder of Diligence LLC, a private intelligence and security firm, which is a leading provider of competitive/strategic intelligence, due diligence, litigation support and investigative services to multinationals, financial institutions, law firms, governments and high net wealth individuals around the globe. Continue Reading →

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