Jim Himes

Recent Posts

Officials Break Ground on $76 Million Auxiliary Lane & Safety Project at I-95 Exits 6 and 7

The project was described by CT Dept of Transportation Commissioner Garrett Eucalitto as a “quick win” because it is anticipated to take only about one year to complete. Some 150,000 vehicles pass through Stamford’s exits 6 and 7 daily, and the situation is dangerous with so many exits close to each other. There have been over 230 crashes over a 3-year period just in the section between exits 6 and 7. Continue Reading →

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Himes Talks Drug Prevention with Grant Recipients: Kids in Crisis and The Norwalk Partnership

Communities that receive the $625K federal grant receive $125,000 funding a year for five years. In the prevention world, that is a lot of funding. Other communities that don’t receive this grant receive a range of $2,000 to $10,000 based on community size for their prevention efforts. Continue Reading →

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Officials Mark Completion of GHS Secure Vestibule with Ribbon Cutting

“At that time the entire student body gathered in the student center to commemorate the opening of the ‘new’ Greenwich High School. Over the years we have added a science wing, a performing arts center, team rooms, fitness center and a dance studio. The school district rehabilitated the entire building in the 1990s. As we completed all this construction and created a new house, we never built an entry-way worthy of one of the best high schools in our country. Until now.” – GHS principal Ralph Mayo Continue Reading →

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Greenwich Wetlands Agency: Goldstein Must Address 16,000 Cubic Yards of Unauthorized Fill

The Goldsteins’ brought in 16,000 cubic yards of fill at their back country property, adjacent to a wetland and Converse Pond Brook (a tributary to the East Branch of the Byram River). No permit was applied for or received. Tony D’Andrea acknowledged that a great deal of damage had been done and some trees were buried in up to 18 ft of fill. Continue Reading →

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