The approved grant for $250,000 has largely covered the cost of the new bridge with help of donated labor, equipment and landscaping. The new bridge, retaining walls and landscaping were completed on time and on budget. Continue Reading →
Kevin O’Shea
Recent Posts
Groundbreaking for New Bridge Celebrated Two Years after Ida Destruction at Camp Seton
Hurricane Ida severely impacted a bridge at Camp Seton, including dozens of downed trees, collapse of a key bridge on the 240-acre property, and major erosion. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Government, Camp Seton, Hector Arzeno, Jim Adams, Kevin O'Shea, Louisa Greene, Richard Blumenthal
Pinewood Derby at Seton Scout Reservation is Cool Fun on a Hot Saturday
Scouts and their parents from eight packs across town sent their top three qualifying Pinewood Derby racers to the beautiful Camp Seton Scout Reservation on Riversville Road. The Pray building was a cool respite from the heat on Saturday. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Asher Boulan, Jasper Larken, Jay Hinton, Kevin O'Shea, Marc Ducret, Nelson Hinton, Pinewood Derby
PHOTOS: Adults Pinewood Derby Social at Miller Motorcars Adds a Twist to the Annual Cub Scout Event
On Saturday night Greenwich Scouting held an adults Pinewood Derby social at Miller Motorcars. On Sunday the annual Pinewood Derby was a right of passage for Cub Scouts. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Alex Qu, Bob Langelius, Carolyn Dempsey Design, Colleen and Augie Sciulla, David Hall, Eric Lindberg, Greenwich Scouting
Greenwich Scouting Welcomes New President and Board Members
The Greenwich Council, Boy Scouts of America is pleased to announce that on January 15, 2020 a new set of Officers was elected for a 2-year term. Four new members were also installed to the Board. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Volunteering, Arthur E. Landi, Boy Scouts of America, Carol Bloom, Eric Lindberg, Fred Camillo, Greenwich Scouting, J. Devereaux Hawley
Boy Scouts of America Files for Bankruptcy; Greenwich Scouting Not Impacted
“Our Council is legally separate, distinct and financially independent from the national organization.” – Kevin O’Shea, Greenwich Scouting Executive/CEO Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Greenwich Scouting, Kevin O'Shea
Pinewood Derby Championship to be held at Miller Motor Cars
Cub Scouts will race within their Pack in the month of February. The top three finalists will compete at the Council Championship at Miller Motor Cars on March 10. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Cub Scouts, Kevin O'Shea, Miller Motor Cars, Pinewood Derby, Richard Koppelman, Seton Scout Reservation
Greenwich Scouting Troop 9 Commemorates 100th Anniversary
In addition to the Council-wide events, camp outs, and winter Klondike, Troop 9 participates in annual weekend campouts and ski trips to Vermont, campouts at Great Captains Island, Backyard Patrol Camps, the trip to Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico, and the annual pot luck holiday party where the Scouts are in charge of cooking. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Giving, Volunteering, Boy Scouts of America, Christian DiMatteo, Craig Harding, Greenwich Scouting, Jim Himes, John Toner
Fall Session of Boys Achieving More “BAM!” a Roaring Success
Thirty-one 5th Grade Boys Participate in Jr League of Greenwich Outdoor Adventure program. The session, which filled within 48 hours of registration, was created by the Jr League of Greenwich to give boys the opportunity to practice respect, trust, communication and leadership. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Parenting, BAM!, Bob DeAngelo, Bobby Walker, Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich, Boys Achieving More, Camp Seton
In Milestone for Boy Scouts, 9 Girls are Inducted into Cub Scouts Pack 23 at North Mianus School
On Thursday night, family, friends, and past cub masters were so proud of nine girls who became the first female Cub Scouts in the history of the Greenwich Council. Continue Reading →