The Greenwich Council, Boy Scouts of America is pleased to announce that on January 15, 2020 a new set of Officers was elected for a 2-year term. Four new members were also installed to the Board.
The elected Officers of the current term are Council President, Eric Lindberg; President Emeritus, Arthur E. Landi; Council Commissioner, Wayne Plewniak; Treasurer, Roy Abramowitz; VP – Program, William Druschell; VP – Administration, Stephen Fox; VP – Finance, James Adams; VP – Marketing, Louisa Greene; Secretary/Scout Executive, Kevin O’Shea.
Eric Lindberg, the newly elected President, is the Chief Credit Officer Corporate Banking with US Bank. Lindberg is a long-time Scouting parent and volunteer with Pack and Troop 35, serving as a Den Leader and Merit Badge Counselor. He was elected to the board in 2014 and held many positions including VP – Finance and VP – Program. He has provided leadership as a member of the Executive Committee with new fundraising initiatives and other finance and program-oriented committees. He lives in Glenville and has been married to his wife Trish for 17 years. They have three children, two of whom are active in Scouting.
The new members of the Board include Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo, a lifelong Greenwich resident who has served as the Honorary Chair for the Greenwich Council “Scouting for Food” food drive since 2014. The annual event is the Council’s largest good turn to benefit Neighbor to Neighbor. Camillo is a recipient of the “Malcolm Pray Friend of Eagles” award in recognition of his years of service to the Council.
Also installed is Carol Bloom, Pastor of Diamond Hill United Methodist Church and chartered organization partner for local Troop 10 and the new all-girl Troop 7. Before entering professional ministry, Pastor Bloom held upper-level management positions in hospitals, long term care facilities and a software development company, eventually forming her own consulting company.
“I’m delighted to join the Council after having been involved for many years,” said Pastor Bloom. “I believe it is an exciting time for Scouting, especially since we have recently chartered Greenwich’s first all-girl troop.”
J. Devereaux Hawley is also a new member. He is the Director of University Planning and Operations, Yale University. Hawley is a real estate developer, operator and architect with global experience leading owner/developer organizations such as Walt Disney Imagineering, Goldman Sachs, and currently Yale University. He has been involved in Scouting his whole life including Scoutmaster of Troop 9, Adult Leader to Philmont Scout Ranch high adventure base, and proud father of an Eagle Scout.
The fourth new member is Joseph Holko, who is a Solutions Architect with Lighthouse Technology Partners of Greenwich. Holko has served the Greenwich Council as both an adult and youth member. In 1997, he led the Council contingent to the National Boy Scout Jamboree as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. As an adult, Holko has been involved with the local and national Order of the Arrow. He is a recipient of the District Award of Merit (2009), the Greenwich Scouter Award (2013), the OA Centurion Award (2015) and the Silver Beaver Award (2017).
Adventure, leadership, service and learning, especially in the outdoors, have remained essential to the Greenwich Scouting experience since its inception in 1912.
Nearly 1,750 local youth participate in programs run by dedicated volunteers, all of which help prepare local boys and girls for life. With over 20 partnering organizations and Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Exploring opportunities in Greenwich, Connecticut, there’s never been a better time to join the Scouting community.