Hector Arzeno

Recent Posts

Students and Officials Celebrate Groundbreaking for New Central Middle School

“We have come today to honor all those who have run, jumped, slid, scored, thrown, caught, and cheered on this field as it gives way to a new generation of students and memories.” – CMS principal Tom Healy Continue Reading →

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Greenwich Gathers to Honor Veterans: “We must reignite the desire for public service in our country”

Keynote speaker Hon Lucian Niemeyer said today less than five percent of the American population today is associated with the military, and that it was important to reignite the desire for public service. Continue Reading →

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State Representative Candidates Face Off: Who is living in La La Land?

“I’ve always supported local control. I’m not in favor of high rises. I was born in the Bronx and lived in Brooklyn before I moved to Greenwich. If I wanted high rises I would have stayed in Brooklyn.” – State Rep Steve Meskers (D-150) Continue Reading →

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DOWNEY: Yes, Harry Fisher, $100 million of funding is a big number!

“Thanks for noticing what a great job our Democratic state representatives have done securing state dollars for local schools, nonprofits and pedestrian safety projects in their districts that include Greenwich and parts of Stamford. Any money brought home from the state eases what local property owners need to pay to municipalities.” – Christina Downey Continue Reading →

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Connecticut League of Conservation Voters Endorses State Rep. Hector Arzeno

Voters have long relied on CTLCV’s endorsements to identify candidates who will champion environmental protection. While in office, Rep. Arzeno has consistently demonstrated his commitment to the environment, earning a 100% rating on the CTLCV’s 2024 Environmental Scorecard. Continue Reading →

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PHOTOS: Greenwich Veterans Honored with Connecticut Wartime Service Medal

The event was held in the GHS Performing Arts Center where veterans were presented with the Connecticut Wartime Service Medal, established by Gov Jodi Rell and the CT General Assembly in 2005 as a way to recognize the service of the state’s veterans. Continue Reading →

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PHOTOS: Family Centers Honors Greenwich House Delegation with “Children’s Champion” Awards

“After I had my first child, I had to choose between going back to work or using my salary to pay for childcare – or staying home to take care of my newborn…Ultimately, I made the decision to stay home, which I’m aware makes me one of the lucky few.” – State Rep Rachel Khanna Continue Reading →

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