The Greenwich Alliance for Education in the midst of their second “T2C” Transition to College workshop series. On Wednesday there was a workshop at the YMCA Greenwich titled, “College Culture: Drugs and Alcohol on Campus.” The workshop included ways to stay safe, know resources, and establish boundaries in the new space of college. Continue Reading →
Ingrid Gillespie
Recent Posts
Recovery is a Family Matter: 10th Annual Recovery Celebration at Richards
On Thursday, September 28, the 10th Annual Recovery Celebration was held at Richards with the theme “Family Matter(s).” Continue Reading →
Filed under: Giving, Health, Bill Mitchell, Ingrid Gillespie, Liberation Programs, Maggie Young, recovery, Release Recovery
Opioid Epidemic and Widespread Teen Vaping Discussed at Legislative Forum
Annual Communities 4 Action held their annual legislative breakfast at the Stamford Jewish Community Center on Monday. Topics included tackling the opioid epidemic and confronting the widespread use of vaping among young people. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Health, Police & Fire, Carlo Leone, Communities 4 Action, David Martin, Fred Wilm, Ingrid Gillespie
GHS Student Among Winners of Student Slogan Contest
Winners of the slogan contest included Greenwich High School twelfth grader Emma Barefoot for the slogan “No excuse for RX abuse and Choose to Abuse-You Lose.” Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, Communities 4 Action, drug addiction, Ingrid Gillespie, opioids
Student Slogan Contest for Prescription Drug Abuse Campaign Announced
“It may take just minutes for a student to come up with a slogan and submit their entry online, but through the process we are hoping they and their parents become more aware of the prescription drug abuse epidemic,” said Ingrid Gillespie, executive director of Communities 4 Action. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, Communities 4 Action, Ingrid Gillespie, UConn Stamford
Tackling Opioid Epidemic: Legislators Mull Pharmacy Blister Packs, Mandated Secure Boxes
Monday’s legislative breakfast at UConn Stamford held by Communities 4 Action featured members from New Canaan, Darien, Stamford and Greenwich. Mayor Martin who lost his wife to cancer recently, said, IIf you think extra strength Tylenol is going to end cancer pain, then you’re confused. She was taking narcotics. She took less than what she was prescribed. But without it her pain and lack of joy would have been very difficult in her last couple of months.” Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Health, Communities for Action, First Selectman Peter Tesei, Fred Camillo, Ingrid Gillespie, Mayor David Martin, Mike Bocchino
GHS School Resource Officer Franco Shares What the Kids Are Up To: Vaping THC Extracts
During the Communities 4 Action legislative breakfast., Greenwich Police Officer Carlos Franco and Lt. Kraig Gray talked about the increasing popularity of vaping. One popular vaping device that students fill with oil containing THC, looks like a thumb drive and students plug it them into their computers to charge them. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, Police & Fire, Schools, Clouds Vapor Lounge, Communities 4 Action, Greenwich Police, Greenwich Police Officer Franco, Ingrid Gillespie
Frank Talk on Overdose Awareness: Gov Malloy Joins Local Officials and a Recovering Addict
At a press conference Gov. Malloy described opioid addiction as a gigantic problem. A 24-year old who began experimenting with prescription drugs as a teen described a path to heroin addiction, homelessness, imprisonment and ultimately recovery.
Dr. Alan Barry of Greenwich Social Services warned that medicine cabinets full of opioid prescriptions are “a candy store for children.” Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Health, Police & Fire, Alan Barry, Firs Selectman Jayme Stevenson, Governor Dannel Malloy, Ingrid Gillespie, Mayor David Martin
Communities 4 Action Presents Leslie Yager with Media Champion Award
Leslie Yager, founder and editor of Greenwich Free Press, received the Media Champion Award from the board of Communities 4 Action (C4A) on Monday for her outstanding work in journalism and dedication to covering issues of public health and safety in the Greenwich area. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, News, People & Culture, Police & Fire, Communities 4 Action, Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services, Ingrid Gillespie, Miriam E. Delphin-Rittmon
Battling E-cigarettes and Empowering Teens, Communities 4 Action Soars
E-cigarettes, which indeed contain nicotine, are glamorized to target teen consumers, according to Communities 4 Action (C4A) Executive Director Ingrid Gillespie and Chairman Stephanie Paulmeno. The two spoke at length about C4A’s capacity and collaboration building, teen empowerment engagements, and educational prevention initiatives. Continue Reading →