Greenwich Police

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Greenwich Gathers to Honor Veterans: “We must reignite the desire for public service in our country”

Keynote speaker Hon Lucian Niemeyer said today less than five percent of the American population today is associated with the military, and that it was important to reignite the desire for public service. Continue Reading →

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Kordick Attorney Statement on Settlement with Town of Greenwich: “The outcome was never in doubt”

“In Kordick’s case, we had a “smoking gun.” Through discovery, we obtained Fred Camillo’s texts which he unambiguously stated on the day after he learned Kordick’s identity: “He better pray that I do not win because I would be the police commissioner and he will be gone.” Actually, this case had several smoking guns, because we had a text where Camillo repeated this intention to “nail” Kordick even after he was elected First Selectman. Nevertheless, the Town chose to ignore this damning evidence, and chose to spend money and waste judicial resources defending the indefensible until after the trial commenced.” – Lewis Chimes Continue Reading →

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