Nearly 400 boys and girls feasted on Thanksgiving turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, pies and more. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/alan-barry/)
Nearly 400 boys and girls feasted on Thanksgiving turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes, pies and more. Continue Reading →
A sidewalk was partially blocked by US Postal Service relay mailbox. A call to the Dept of Human Services Alan Barry and the Selectman’s Advisory Committee for People with Disabilities Chairman Alan Gunzburg yielded results. Continue Reading →
The Greenwich Veterans Council represents a collaboration among American Legion, Byram Veterans Assocation, VFW, Greenwich Military Covenant of Care and the Greenwich Dept of Social Services. On Nov 11 the community walk will honor combat wounded millennials. Many become amputees. “Today, the injuries of millennials in combat is different. Independently exploded devices (IEDs) cause injuries resulting in more amputees,” said Bruce Winningham. “In the past you would have bled to death.” Continue Reading →
At a press conference Gov. Malloy described opioid addiction as a gigantic problem. A 24-year old who began experimenting with prescription drugs as a teen described a path to heroin addiction, homelessness, imprisonment and ultimately recovery.
Dr. Alan Barry of Greenwich Social Services warned that medicine cabinets full of opioid prescriptions are “a candy store for children.” Continue Reading →
“Running away is faulty problem solving. When teenagers make a mistake, they should face up to it rather than run. They have to develop more constructive problem solving and coping skills, and it’s on the parents to work with teens, to let them know it’s okay to make a mistake as long as they own up to it,” said Alan Barry, Ph.D., Commissioner for the Greenwich Department of Social Services. Continue Reading →