Addressing wasted food will enable Greenwich to conserve natural resources, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and support the food insecure. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/food-scraps/)
Addressing wasted food will enable Greenwich to conserve natural resources, mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and support the food insecure. Continue Reading →
The Town of Greenwich, in partnership with Waste Free Greenwich, Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board (GRAB) and Greenwich Green & Clean, announces the launch of the municipal food scrap recycling pilot on Monday, June 15, 2020. The drop-off food scrap recycling pilot is voluntary and free to all Greenwich residents with a permit to Holly Hill Resource Recovery Facility. Residents will collect food scraps at home in accordance withguidelines and bring them to the designated drop-off location next to the trash building at Holly Hill. The food scrap kits include a small bin you can keep in your kitchen, and a larger bin you can keep in your garage. You can purchase compostable bags to line the bin with. Continue Reading →