This community event takes runners on a scenic three-mile course through the Riverside neighborhood. The event includes the main run/walk, as well as a series of “Fun Runs” for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/gordon-beinstein/)
This community event takes runners on a scenic three-mile course through the Riverside neighborhood. The event includes the main run/walk, as well as a series of “Fun Runs” for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Continue Reading →
Saturday night’s benefit fundraiser organized by the Greenwich Alliance for Education for the AVID program marked “10 Years of College Dreams Made Possible.” Continue Reading →
After 35 years in middle school, Gordon Beinstein will retire at the end of the school year. Continue Reading →
The third annual Sudell Sprint color run at Western Middle School on May 27 was an extremely positive and uplifting event that captured the spirit of Steven Sudell. Continue Reading →
“If we rename streets and tear down statues but leave little Johnny languishing in the back of the classroom, unaware of all he can be and unable to access the education that can break the cycle of poverty and violence, for Johnny, what has really changed?” – Gordon Beinstein, Principal, Western Middle School Continue Reading →
Every 2 minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer. The Mane Event at Western Middle School raised funds for St Baldrick’s Foundation who seek to cure childhood cancers. Continue Reading →
Passions were high during the public comment portion of the BOE meeting where several men, mostly coaches and teachers, spoke in favor of synthetic turf. The BOE voted 6-1-1 in favor of Option 4. Continue Reading →
Western Middle School Principal Gordon Beinstein and his staff will be visiting Greenwich elementary schools in January and February to talk about the school’s magnet program. Parents of 4th and 5th graders are encouraged to attend to learn about the school’s AVID program, its mission and staff, as well as how Western prepares students for Greenwich High School. Western Middle School ranked third out of all middle schools in Connecticut, according to data released by the state Dept of Education in 2019 that included metrics measuring growth in Math and ELL, as well as physical fitness and access to arts education. Beinstein, the 2019 Connecticut Public Schools Middle School Principal of the Year, has said the rise reflects the acknowledgement that one method of teaching doesn’t fit all students. He credits staff for knowing and caring about every child, which is reflected in parent survey results. Continue Reading →
Gordon Beinstein, recipient of the Middle School Principal of the Year award, uses Twitter to share good news about academics, enrichment, sports, clubs and much more. Continue Reading →
A theme during convocation 2019 was the impact individual teachers have on students.. Dr. Toni Jone reminded teachers that every day matters and that even remarks made on the first day of school might be remembered by a student in 40 or 50 years. Continue Reading →