A go-kart race and bowling fundraiser at Grand Prix New York in Mt. Kisko drove home the point that good driving requires concentration. The event was a fundraiser for Project Yellow Light. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/project-yellow-light/)
A go-kart race and bowling fundraiser at Grand Prix New York in Mt. Kisko drove home the point that good driving requires concentration. The event was a fundraiser for Project Yellow Light. Continue Reading →
Do you Snapchat while you’re in your car? This year, the organizers of the annual go-kart race fundraiser to raise awareness of distracted driving have added bowling for those who don’t want to race, but support the cause! The event takes place April 22 at Grand Prix New York. Continue Reading →
GFP Lifestyle Editor Karen Sheer captured memories forever at the Global Lyme Alliance “Time for Lyme Gala” on Saturday and an elegant fashion show at Olivine Gabbro on Thursday. Meanwhile Leslie Yager continued to chronicle the application of a 533-unit apartment building at the Iron Works plant, where 30% of units would be “affordable” which exempts the applicant from many regulations. But, where would the children play? Would Glenville School be overwhelmed? Can the sewer lines accommodate the flow?
At the School Start Time forum, the school bus expert talked about transportation variables and various start time options. A GHS 9th grader reminded parents who were worried about impacts on school activities and sports that “school comes first.” Continue Reading →
“While some people may have gotten the message to put down the phone, we all still know we still see people every day who choose to ignore the Connecticut law, and put themselves and others of the road at risk,” said Sgt. John Slusarz of Greenwich Police Traffic Enforcement division. Continue Reading →
An April 22 go-kart race at Grand Prix in Mt. Kisko will benefit Project Yellow Light and go a long way toward raising awareness of the dangers of distracted driving. A group of teens from Greenwich High School, Brunswick and King are organizing teams for the competition. Continue Reading →
A roster of go-kart race teams, mostly from Brunswick, Greenwich Academy, Sacred Heart, Greenwich Country Day and Greenwich High School took to the race track for a good cause on Friday night. Grand Prix New York in Mt. Kisco was the venue for a benefit for Project Yellow Light, a non-profit that raises awareness of the perils of distracted driving.
This year’s race at Grand Prix marked the third annual fundraiser for the non-profit. The race was conceived by GHS grad Ben Albano and has carried on through the efforts of his family.
This year Addison Albano and his club co-president Owen Gerber did the lion’s share of the legwork and the result was a representation from all the high schools in Town and a lot of fun. Continue Reading →