“While this proposal would be catastrophic for all 169 municipalities in our wonderful State, my town would be forced to spend almost $1.5 billion in the next decade with no guarantee of affordability nor success.” – Fred Camillo Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/afforable-housing/)
“While this proposal would be catastrophic for all 169 municipalities in our wonderful State, my town would be forced to spend almost $1.5 billion in the next decade with no guarantee of affordability nor success.” – Fred Camillo Continue Reading →
“The draft Greenwich Plan of Affordable Housing Plan starts to lay out our options so we can make informed choices. Let’s determine if there are better options for us than just allowing developers to ignore our zoning regulations.” – Brooks Harris Continue Reading →
“30g allows developers to build oversized projects regardless of the impact it would have on local areas. The negative impact of size, density, and parking CANNOT be considered in the approval process of development.” – Frederick Lee Continue Reading →
GFP Lifestyle Editor Karen Sheer captured memories forever at the Global Lyme Alliance “Time for Lyme Gala” on Saturday and an elegant fashion show at Olivine Gabbro on Thursday. Meanwhile Leslie Yager continued to chronicle the application of a 533-unit apartment building at the Iron Works plant, where 30% of units would be “affordable” which exempts the applicant from many regulations. But, where would the children play? Would Glenville School be overwhelmed? Can the sewer lines accommodate the flow?
At the School Start Time forum, the school bus expert talked about transportation variables and various start time options. A GHS 9th grader reminded parents who were worried about impacts on school activities and sports that “school comes first.” Continue Reading →