“In a year when folks need it most, many neighbors, businesses and organizations came up with new ideas to still keep the holiday spirit alive in Greenwich.” – Jessica Reid Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/gems/page/2/)
“In a year when folks need it most, many neighbors, businesses and organizations came up with new ideas to still keep the holiday spirit alive in Greenwich.” – Jessica Reid Continue Reading →
On Sunday GEMS ghoulishly decorated ambulance made stops at Greenwich Housing Authority properties. Continue Reading →
Members of the Greenwich Boys & Girls Club’s Torch Club have been busy delivering food to first responders. Continue Reading →
About 200 of Greenwich Hospital’s staff emerged into the sunlight at noon to be honored by a massive caravan of first responders including Greenwich Police, Greenwich Fire Dept, GEMS and Red Cross. The health care workers are on the front line, working heroically to treat patients suffering from COVID-19. Continue Reading →
Phil Brous, a member of the softball team, “A Few Extra Pounds,” said his team is donating their league fees to buy meals for Greenwich EMS workers, and would love to see other teams follow suit. Continue Reading →
There are now six confirmed cases of the COVID-19 virus in Greenwich. At a press conference Tuesday, police outlined when 911 is appropriate to call. First Selectman Camillo urged social distancing and hand washing, but said residents should get outside, visit parks and exercise. Continue Reading →
Cuts include police directing traffic on Greenwich Avenue. New would be “Pay As You Throw” at the dump. Residents would not have to pay to to recycle, but would be required to purchase special bags for their trash at local retailers. Continue Reading →
Friends can greet the family on Wednesday, January 22, 2020 from 4:00 to 7:00pm at the Abriola Parkview Funeral Home, 419 White Plains Road in Trumbull.
A Church Service will be held at 10:00am on Thursday January 23, 2020 directly in White Oak Baptist Church, 5344 Main Street Stratford. Continue Reading →
Most of the First Selectman’s proposed capital plan hearing was dedicated to opposition to artificial turf at Central Middle School. Continue Reading →
Submitted by Lucia Jansen
On May 13, 2019, the RTM approved the BET’s proposed $444 million general FY19-20 fund budget. Included in the budget is $75,000 for an independent town-wide fire study that was added by the BET after a unanimous vote. During the BET budget hearings with the fire department, it showed that there were serious gaps in town-wide fire incident and response time data. Lacking sufficient data, of course, makes it difficult to determine effective and required fire department staffing levels. Additionally, the Office of First Selectman and Fire Department’s report to the RTM and BET revealed that town benchmarking data using national standard criteria for response times, including call processing, turnout, and travel times, was either non-existent, non-compliant (e.g., far beyond recommended standards), or excluded data from our important volunteer fire stations located in the area in which the shortfall in service is claimed. Continue Reading →