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“Learn Before You Leave” College Safety Panel Set for April 9; Register Today

The panel will feature experts from Kids in Crisis, Sacred Heart University’s Department of Public Safety, The Rowan Center, and Fordham EMS. Ellen Brezovsky, LCSW, is Director of Outreach & Community Initiatives, Kids In Crisis. Gary MacNamara is Chief/Executive Director of Public Safety & Government Affairs, Sacred Heart University. Sarah Malhotra is Director of Education and Training, The Rowan Center. Colleen Sherry is Chief of Medical Operations, Fordham EMS. Continue Reading →

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Aquatics Community Rails Against Possible 1-2 Year GHS Pool Closure

The consultant said that overall, the conditions were potential liability issues, and keeping the pool open potentially endangered users and violated safety regulations. His recommendation was to close the pool until the required safety and compliance upgrades are completed. Continue Reading →

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Raina Jain: From High School Science Project to National Entrepreneurship

Raina’s path to entrepreneurship began unexpectedly during her sophomore year in GHS’s renowned science research program. A visit to a bee farm in northern Connecticut exposed her to the alarming rate of bee deaths caused by human practices. In the school science lab, she worked tirelessly to develop a product that would reduce bee deaths. What started as a school project soon turned into something bigger when beekeepers began asking for her solution. Later, she patented her invention, named HiveGaurd which became widely adopted by U.S. beekeepers. Continue Reading →

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