Recipients of the 2023 Purple Ribbon Award were the officers of Greenwich Animal Control who make sure that innocent pets caught in the cross hairs of domestic violence can be safe and well. Continue Reading →
Recent Posts
GHS YNet Club to Hold First International Women’s Day Event
There will be free workshops – all led by powerful women—to help prepare participants in becoming professionals. Topics to be covered include resume writing, maximizing the impact of LinkedIn, job interviews, dressing appropriately and professionally, and person finance. Participants can also get a free professional head shot taken. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, Schools, domestic abuse, Greenwich High School, Lexxie Anderson, Upper Crust Bagel Company, YNET
YNET Leaders Kick Off Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month at Greenwich Town Hall
YNET at GHS aims to raise awareness and educate peers about teen dating violance. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Government, Health, Anna DeMakes, Elizabeth Casolo, Fred Camillo, Greenwich High School, Greenwich Police Chief James Heavey
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month Kicks Off at Town Hall on Monday
• On Monday, February 3, 2020, at 12:00pm First Selectman Fred Camillo will read a proclamation declaring February 2020 Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month in Greenwich.
• On Thursday, February 27, at 6:30 pm, YWCA Greenwich and the Greenwich United Way will host an event called “Speak Up, Speak Out: Celebrating Our Stories with Kane Smego.” Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, Fred Camillo, Greenwich United Way, Kane Smego, Meredith Gold, Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month, YNET, YWCA Greenwich
At Boys & Girls Club Toiletries Drive: Community Helping Communities
At the Boys and Girls Club of Greenwich, the Torch Club organized a toiletries drive. Items included toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, deodorant, soap, body wash, and feminine products – all of which are staples for most people in Greenwich. But for many others, these items are not to be taken for granted. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Giving, Volunteering, Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich, Jr United Way, Kyle Silver, Michael Brown, Michael Rincon, Sue Scully
Love Shouldn’t Hurt: What GHS Students Want You To Remember This Valentine’s Day
The epidemic of abusive relationships impacts the entire community. Domestic violence is the number one most investigated violent crime in Greenwich.
Filed under: Health, Schools, Jordan Paris, teen dating violence, YNET
YWCA Greenwich to Host “Looking In Theatre” to Raise Awareness of Teen Dating Violence
On Tuesday, Feb 27, from 6:30 – 8:30 pm YWCA Greenwich at 259 East Putnam Avenue will host the Looking In Theatre, a program of the Greater Hartford Academy of Arts and the Capitol Region Educational Council. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Arts, Health, Schools, Looking In Theatre, teen dating violence, YNET, YWCA Greenwich
Greenwich YNET’s Annual Frisbee Tournament
Saturday Morning Greenwich YNET held their Annual Frisbee tournament at Greenwich High School. Participating were member of UConn’s Ultimate Frisbee team, as well as other former and current GHS students. YNET’s goal is to spread awareness and prevent domestic abuse in teens and adults. Members of YNET gathered to celebrate the tournament and hand out T-shirts and snacks for the players. The Tournament had three very successful teams from all over Connecticut. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, Schools, Sports, Frisbee, Greenwich High School, No Excuse for Abuse, YNET
First Ever Winter Basketball Tourney Fundraiser for YNET Draws Numerous Teams
The first annual YNET basketball tournament event raised funds for the GHS club that raises awareness of teen dating abuse and raised funds for the club. Among the teams were GHS teachers and students. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, Schools, Volunteering, Greenwich High School, teen dating abuse, YNET
At GHS, YNET is Valued Resource for Students in Abusive Relationships
On Tuesday, Dom Delfino at Joey B’s hosted a fundraiser for the Greenwich High School club called YNET, a group of students who specialize in raising awareness of teen dating violence. Continue Reading →