Haven Sushon hopes to combat misinformation and raise voter turnout across the board for the approaching election cycle. Continue Reading →
Elizabeth Casolo
Recent Posts
Graduation Parties are Popping Once Again in Greenwich
Last spring, the Salerno family briefly considered shutting the doors of Party, Paper, & Things for good. However, a suggestion from the community led to an innovative initiative: Party, Paper, & Things offered to send balloon bouquets to missed loved ones as part of their “I Miss Your Face” campaign. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Business, Elizabeth Casolo, Juliann Salerno, Party Paper & Things
GHS Senior and Aspiring Surgeon Emphasizes the Value of Trust
“I want to go into pediatrics to help kids and their families in particular.” – Autumn Kim Continue Reading →
Filed under: Health, Autumn Kim, Elizabeth Casolo
GFP Celebrates Return of the GHS Spring Internship Program with Four Whip-Smart Seniors
This spring four GHS seniors hit the deck running at Greenwich Free Press: Elizabeth Casolo, Stella Santini, Kade Tibberts and Kathryn O’Donnell. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Schools, Alison Lochridge, Elizabeth Casolo, Greenwich High School, Kade Tibberts, Kathryn O'Donnell, senior internship, Stella Santini
Firefighters Fulfill Childhood Dreams During Promotion Ceremony
One lieutenant and three virtually sworn-in firefighters were installed in their respective positions on Friday during an in-person ceremony at the Greenwich Fire Department’s headquarters on Bruce Place. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Police & Fire, Anthony Ryan Jr, Chief Joseph McHugh, Elizabeth Casolo, Greenwich Fire Dept, John Valentini, Nathaniel Schulde, Roger Clapp
Jumping Out a Window Is Just a Day on the Job for the Greenwich Fire Dept Recruits
On Monday, at Greenwich Fire Department’s Training Center on North Street, five probationary firefighters worked toward their bailout certification, a milestone in their training process. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Police & Fire, Assistant Fire Chief Brian Koczak, Chief Joseph McHugh, Elizabeth Casolo, Greenwich Fire Dept, Joseph Battinelli, Ryan Crook, Scott Lanahan
Greenwich Road Runners Hit the Road on Global Running Day
The Greenwich Road Runners are a very welcoming group. We caught up with them at the pier at Steamboat Road. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Sports, Chris Cain, Donna Rosato, Elizabeth Casolo, Greenwich Road Runners, Ric Wellington, Steamboat Road, Will Keown
GHS Beak Editor-in-Chief: Greenwich Sentinel Endorsements Are Far from “A New Way”
“The Greenwich Sentinel’s lack of transparency regarding a possible familial connection puts the validity of the paper’s endorsements in question. I cannot help but wonder why a Barhydt served on this Endorsement Board, a board that claims to be “independent” of the paper.” – Elizabeth Casolo, GHS Editor in Chief of The Beak Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor, Elizabeth Casolo, Greenwich High School, The Beak
Greenwich Girl Scout Teaches Middle Schoolers About the Importance of Journalism in the Digital Age
This past August, Casolo hosted a week-long workshop at the Bendheim Western Greenwich Civic Center to introduce adolescents to journalism and video production. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Volunteering, cancel culture, Elizabeth Casolo, Girl Scouts, Gold Award, Greenwich High School, journalism
YNET Leaders Kick Off Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month at Greenwich Town Hall
YNET at GHS aims to raise awareness and educate peers about teen dating violance. Continue Reading →