Jordan Paris

Aspiring teenager journalist who wants to live in NYC, you know the story.

Recent Posts

Will GHS Confront Systemic Racism?

“Both of us left with our caps, gowns, and pride. Pride in knowing we went through high school fighting for equality for those of all backgrounds. In no way did either of us expect what would happen the next day.” – Jordan Paris, GHS Class of 2020 Continue Reading →

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GHS Club Fair Sparks New Beginnings For 2019-2020 School Year

The annual Greenwich High School club fair, accessible to those who run clubs and new students who want to join, provides a gateway between club creators and passionate students. From video games to support groups, there is something for everyone to be a part of and find themselves. Continue Reading →

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Greenwich Chef Battles Rare Meat Allergy… Due To Tick Bite

Greenwich resident Maura Paris stumped doctors nine years ago when after a life threatening allergy she did not test positive for any known food allergies. It wasn’t until after several severe reactions that one doctor finally diagnosed her condition as one that involves a tiny tick and eating red meat. Continue Reading →

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