The slate includes Senator Ryan Fazio for re-election and Fred DeCaro for Republican Registrar of Voters. Also, State Rep candidates Tina Courpas for 149th district, Tod Laudonia for 151st district and Paul Cappiali for the 150th district. Continue Reading →
Greenwich RTC
Recent Posts
QUIGLEY: A Spectacular Failure of Leadership
“…the RTC leadership has burned bridges. They have set a low bar for public discourse and have been neither humble nor open-minded. They have also leveraged their surrogates (The CT Centinal and Greenwich Patriots) to launch personal attacks, spread conspiracy theories and unhinged rhetoric throughout our community.” – Dan Quigley Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor, BET, Beth MacGillivray, Dan Quigley, Fred Camillo, Greenwich Patriots, Greenwich RTC, Lauren Rabin
ANGLAND: Tell me what company you keep, and I will tell you who you are.
“If this is the company they keep, what does that say about who Senator Ryan Fazio and Representative Kimberly Fiorello are?” – Joe Angland, Greenwich DTC chair Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor, Fred Camillo, Greenwich RTC, Kimberly Fiorello, Ryan Fazio, Tudor Dixon
UPDATED: Greenwich Republicans Decline to Participate in 2022 LWV Debates
“Greenwich Republicans declined a fourth debate invitation from the Greenwich League of Women voters because of the organization’s diminishing neutrality and objectivity in recent years.” – RTC chair Beth MacGillivray Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Beth MacGillivray, Greenwich DTC, Greenwich RTC, Joe Angland, Kay Maxwell, League of Women Voters Greenwich, Sandy Waters
COOPER: Taking Over the Greenwich Republican Party from Within
“Evidenced through a very public Tweet by @GreenwichRTC, I am now considered one of those dangerous @CTDems who “want you disarmed and to be a victim.” An RTC operating within behavioral norms would ask the member who published that Tweet to step down, or at least give up that considerable position. Don’t wait.” – John Cooper Continue Reading →
Filed under: Letter to the Editor, Greenwich RTC
RTC Elects New Officers after Caucus Rout of Longtime Members
The new RTC officers were: Beth MacGillivray as Chair, Laura Darrin and Jane sprung as Vice Chairs, Cheryl Resnick for Treasurer and Gail Lauridsen as Secretary. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Greenwich RTC, Republican Town Committee, RTC
RTC to Host Food Truck Thank You Event for Greenwich Essential Workers
The RTC will treat Greenwich Police, Fire, tree workers and others to lunch. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Dan Quigley, Greenwich Fire Dept, Greenwich Police Dept, Greenwich RTC
RTC Nominates Harry Arora for Camillo’s Vacated State Rep Seat
“We look forward to running a positive and energetic campaign which will bring our town together.” – Harry Arora Continue Reading →