The project is slated to start in October 2022, following the receipt of necessary Town approvals, and is expected to take about 12 months. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Point Conservancy
Recent Posts
The Emily Catherine Fedorko Foundation Announces New Date and Location for “Emily’s Chimes” Event
The November 6th “Emily’s Chimes” event will take place at The Village in Stamford from 7pm to 11pm with ECFF Board Member Gary Dell’Abate as the Emcee, delicious food by On the Marc and a decadent raw bar thanks to the Greenwich Shellfish Commission. Photo of ECFF Board of Directors at a past Foundation event. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Emily Catherine Fedorko Foundation, Emily Fedorko, Emily's Chimes, Gary Dell’Abate, Greenwich Point Conservancy
“Greenwich Point Historic District” Listed on the National Register of Historic Places
Greenwich Point Park is the first property in Greenwich to be added to the National Register since 2014, when the “River Road – Mead Avenue Historic District” was listed. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Chris Franco, Connecticut State Historic Preservation Office, FEMA, Greenwich Point, Greenwich Point Conservancy, tod's point
Weeks Marine Inc to Present Proposal for Commercial Barge Mooring in Stamford Waters Near Greenwich
At a May meeting in Stamford there were numerous objections from residents to a proposed commercial mooring in the waters of Stamford Harbor south of the Stamford Breakwater, on both environmental grounds and concerns for safety of small craft. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Alison Farn Leigh, barges, Buchanan Marine, Dolphin Cove, Dr. Damian Ortelli, Eric Knott, Greenwich Point Conservancy
Forum at Tod’s Point Begins to Distinguish Candidates for Greenwich First Selectman
Questions included single use plastic, artificial turf, impact of proposed subdivision at former Mel Gibson estate, dredging harbors and Continue Reading →
Filed under: Government, Chris Franco, Fred Camillo, Greenwich Point, Greenwich Point Conservancy, Jill Oberlander, Susie Baker, tod's point
Celebrate an Evening of “Good Chimes” in Honor of Emily Fedorko
The event will support the organization’s pledge to the Greenwich Point Conservancy to help fund the restoration of the Chimes Tower at Tod’s Point. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Giving, Arch Street Teen Center, Chimes Building, Emily Catherine Fedorko Foundation, Good Chimes, Greenwich Point Conservancy
Founder’s Day Features Unveiling of Restored Feake-Ferris House c1645 in Old Greenwich
Wednesday, July 18 was Founder’s Day, a tradition in Greenwich since 1947. To mark the occasion the Feake-Ferris House, c1645, which was restored rather than demolished, was open for tours. The owners, Martin and Anna Waters opened their new home, which is connected to the historic one, for the reception. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Anna Waters, Chris Davies, Chris Franco, Coline Jenkins, Davidde Strackbein, Debra Mecky, Feake-Ferris House
Historical Society and Greenwich Point Conservancy to Celebrate Town’s Oldest House
Newly Restored Feake-Ferris House to be Unveiled at Founder’s Day Reception July 18 When This Place Matters! Photo Contest Winners Will Be Revealed. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, Chris Franco, Debra Mecky, Elizabeth and Robert Feake, Feake-Ferris House, Founders Day, Greenwich Historical Society, Greenwich Point Conservancy
Backhoes Needed to Remove Tons of Trash at Weekend Beach Cleanup at Greenwich Point
Among the debris collected was 1,000 plastic bags, 1,500 bottle caps,1,000 plastic straws, 30 buoys, 10 lbs of fishing line and 200 balloons. Continue Reading →
Filed under: Around Town, BYOGreenwich, CT Fund for the Environment, GRAB, Greenwich Point Conservancy, Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board, Save the Sound, Sound Waters
Greenwich Selectmen Ponder Rest Room Accessibility ahead of Chimes Building Restoration
“To build a $600,000 bathroom that not every resident in the town of Greenwich could take part in doesn’t make any sense… Of course it’s about the disabled, but it’s really about everybody too.” – Alan Gunzburg. Continue Reading →