The state legislation, which will become law when signed by Governor Lamont, requires retailers to charge a 10¢ fee on all single-use plastic bags until July 1, 2021, when the bags will be banned. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/byogreenwich/)
The state legislation, which will become law when signed by Governor Lamont, requires retailers to charge a 10¢ fee on all single-use plastic bags until July 1, 2021, when the bags will be banned. Continue Reading →
Enforcement has been uncomplicated, rarely taking more than a phone call for businesses to comply with the program. “People shouldn’t hesitate to report non-compliance. There is no heavy-handed consequence needed – only education.” Continue Reading →
It’s a beautiful day for a clean up! Collection areas will be primarily along the shorelines of the Cove, Sound and Eagle Pond, as areas along the roadways are limited due to snow cover. The sun is shining brightly now and it is high tide, so we are hoping for some more melting and increased access. Remember work gloves, bucket, waterproof boots and warm clothing! Continue Reading →
“We have exceeded our goal of 5,000 bags, and have secured pledges for 8,124 reusable bags – 2,324 of which are on hand. …Yesterday, my wife, our two daughters, our longtime family friend and sister, Maria Berisso-Santos and her daughters, joined me as we kicked off the reusable bag giveaway at Wilbur Peck Court in District 1.” – Anthony Lopez Continue Reading →
Director of Environmental Affairs Pat Sesto said only 1% to 3% of plastic bags are recycled, and they get jammed in recycling machinery. Continue Reading →
In Greenwich a Reusable Checkout Bag Ordinance goes into effect on September 12, 2018. Plastic checkout bags will no longer be available at any business establishments operating in the Town of Greenwich starting September 12, 2018, though there are some exemptions. Continue Reading →
In Greenwich, the plastic bag ban goes into effect on September 12, 2018. Continue Reading →
Proponents of a plastic bag ban walked away with smiles from Central Middle School on Monday night. Continue Reading →
“According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050.” – Mareta Hamre Continue Reading →
“Finally, the option to buy paper bags for $0.25 each is little help. This is expensive, particularly for our less affluent.” – Brooks Harris, RTM District 10 Continue Reading →