Svetlana Wasserman

Recent Posts

Commercial Landscapers Seek Variance from Greenwich’s New Gas Leaf Blower Restrictions

“There are no penalties (in 2024), but that doesn’t mean that you can use then. Nor that homeowners or neighbors are wrong for asking landscapers to stop using that equipment. Homeowners may call the police, and the police may come out. And the police will ask you to to stop using your gas leaf blower. Just because there is a year before any fine are levied, that does not mean you are not expected to comply.” – Svetlana Wasserman Continue Reading →

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Earth Month in Greenwich Kicks Off with the ReThink Waste Fair, Because Sustainability Matters

A highlight of the event was the Sustainability Committee’s presentation of its first Sustainability Awards, including Everyday Heroes, Future Leaders, and Icons. All are excellent examples of how any one person can make a difference. Continue Reading →

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LETTER: What I learned as a Greenwich Patriot

“I was quite surprised by the letters in my inbox from the “Greenwich Patriots.” In the midst of the COVID pandemic which killed more than twice as many Americans as WWII, as our nation’s health agencies beseeched people to quarantine, wear masks, and get vaccinated to protect fellow Americans, the Greenwich Patriots grumbled about the inconvenience of “medical tyrants” asking us to follow these life-saving practices. The “Patriots” attack Greenwich Hospital, our Town government and our schools for offering or encouraging the vaccine.” – Svetlana Wasserman Continue Reading →

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Wasserman: Attacking the messenger is not a solution

“Rather than addressing Greenwich’s dire investment needs, (Michael Spilo) attacks the messenger. His ad hominem attacks on Joanna Swomley, calling her a member of a ‘squad’ (sound familiar?), ‘in poor taste,’ ‘low-brow discourse,’ and in an earlier editorial, ‘shrill,’ and ‘appeal(ing) to emotion,’ reveal more about his views than hers.” – Svetlana Wasserma Continue Reading →

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The Lowdown on Runoff: Keep Water Clean

We’ve all seen them. Floating rainbow swirls in ponds, yellow foam in eddys, streams peppered with plastic straws, and dead fish washed up on shores. All testament to the pollution entering our waterways. How did it get there? Our first thought may be industrial drain pipes, but there is an even bigger culprit, with a clumsier name: nonpoint source pollution. Continue Reading →

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Food Scrap Recycling Enthusiasts Tout Benefits to Greenwich’s Budget, Environment, Social Justice

Soon residents will be able to purchase kits to use to set aside food waste inside a compostable bag with food scraps, as well as coffee grinds, egg shells, bones, meat, oyster shells, and even napkins. Continue Reading →

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