During comments preceding a vote on extending the sunset clause for tip fees and resident permit fees at the dump, it was reported that commercial hauler tonnage had dropped by a third since tipping fees were introduced. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/haulers/)
During comments preceding a vote on extending the sunset clause for tip fees and resident permit fees at the dump, it was reported that commercial hauler tonnage had dropped by a third since tipping fees were introduced. Continue Reading →
“The study finds that the average resident is now paying more for garbage removal out-of-pocket than previously through their property taxes.” – Scott Kalb and Svetlana Wasserman Continue Reading →
Town administration will determine the timing for implementation of tipping fees. Residential and commercial customers can expect the rates local haulers charge to increase. Continue Reading →
“A very small group of people on the RTM appear to be trying to resuscitate PAYT for the 2020-21 budget.” – Mark Fichtel Continue Reading →
“Every town in Connecticut collects a tipping fee. Except Greenwich. Greenwich lets commercial haulers dump their trash at Holly Hill, without reimbursing Greenwich taxpayers for the cost of removal to the landfill and conversion facilities run by Wheelabrator Technologies in Peekskill, New York or Bridgeport.” – Sean Goldrick Continue Reading →