Greenwich Road Runners and Greenwich Parks & Rec organized the First County Bank Father’s Day Friday 5K Race & 1-Mile Fun Run. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/sue-snyder/)
Greenwich Road Runners and Greenwich Parks & Rec organized the First County Bank Father’s Day Friday 5K Race & 1-Mile Fun Run. Continue Reading →
The event was a collaboration of Greenwich Road Runners, Greenwich Parks & Rec and sponsors including First County Bank and Athleta. Continue Reading →
Lucia Jansen, of the RTM budget overview committee, said, “I the lead committee that cut the $950,000 request for this budget item. We were very clear that the reason was because of the lack of information, and certainly not because of the genuine support and interest for the rink.” Continue Reading →
“To hear that an adult, especially one elected to serve on Town government, would encourage the public to break the Town’s rules, is simply sad.” – Sue Snyder, Superintendent of Recreation at Greenwich Parks & Rec
“We own these courts. They work for us…And these people have no interest at all in doing what’s right for the community. Our kids are doing things rather than playing Xbox.” – Carl Higbie, RTM District 8 Continue Reading →
The Parks & Rec board held its monthly meeting for May on Wednesday night. During her summer camp update, Sue Snyder said the popular music & art camp, now in its 80th year, has been been moved to Riverside School, and the musicians will be in the “gym-a-torium”. She said there is a shortage of equipment there and that the acoustics are not ideal for music. Continue Reading →