Dr. Santucci is regularly out in the community interacting with and teaching school nurses and students about the effects of drugs and alcohol on the developing brain. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/norman-roth/)
Dr. Santucci is regularly out in the community interacting with and teaching school nurses and students about the effects of drugs and alcohol on the developing brain. Continue Reading →
“The community has been so supportive of our staff throughout this crisis. On a daily basis we are getting food through charitable donations, residents and restaurants to take the burden off trying to eat, for staff.” – Norman Roth, CEO, Greenwich Hospital Continue Reading →
Greenwich Hospital is seeing patients in the Emergency Department and has segregated spaces for those who are demonstrating respiratory symptoms. The First Selectman plans to close Town Hall as well as town buildings and facilities to visitors and declare a state of emergency. Continue Reading →
During “pre-application” meeting, representatives from Greenwich Hospital Yale New Haven Health discussed possible cancer care facility at the corner of Lafayette and Lake Avenue. Continue Reading →
“Your money will have a direct impact on ensuring a more stable and fulfilling life for all of our residents.” — First Selectman, Peter Tesei Continue Reading →
Norman Roth will address the RMA at 11:00am on July 6. The event is free and open to the public. Continue Reading →