Indian Harbor Yacht Club’s marine staff built a 20-foot wood frame tree, which floats on a dock in Greenwich Harbor and includes 22,100 lights. The tree will be lit every night until New Year’s Day. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/greenwich-harbor/page/2/)
Indian Harbor Yacht Club’s marine staff built a 20-foot wood frame tree, which floats on a dock in Greenwich Harbor and includes 22,100 lights. The tree will be lit every night until New Year’s Day. Continue Reading →
On Monday a ping from a great white shark triggered OCearch’s tracking system in Long Island Sound, in the water between Tod’s Point and Great Captains Island. Greenwich Harbormaster Ian MacMillan said that Cabot was likely chasing seals in Greenwich Harbor on Monday. MacMillan said his concern was for kite surfers. “When they hit, it could sound like a seal,” he said. Continue Reading →
In 2018 the Harbor Master shared stories of hazards to navigation and the demise of the Showboat. In October a sudden storm coincided with high tide and the town closed Greenwich Point. In June the Greenwich Pool at Byram Park opened with fanfare. In August the Town celebrated 100 years of ownership of Island Beach. Continue Reading →
On Wednesday crane operators on a cargo ship outside Greenwich Harbor attempted to lift the paddle wheel steam boat known as the Showboat or Mark Twain, which originally built as an amusement park ride. The boat had been sold to someone in Korea who wanted to use it for a restaurant. Continue Reading →
Themes emerged at Thursday’s POCD workshop where stations were set up to focus on different parts of Putnam Avenue and Greenwich Avenue. Residents looked at maps and then put post-in notes on easels under “likes” or “dislikes.” Continue Reading →
Remove all anchors from the bow of your boat. Anchors, especially plow anchors, can act like knives in rough seas and cut mooring bridles. Any boats left unattended on moorings for extended periods of time should follow this procedure as a standard practice. Inspect chocks and cleats. On a dock or slip: Extra lines, extra fenders and keep the lines from being too tight. Be sure to have fenders between your boat and your neighbor’s boat as well as the dock. Don’t wait until the day of a storm to prepare for the event. Conditions may prevent launch and tender services from operating at certain times. Continue Reading →
After years, an engine block in the lower Mianus River near Cos Cob Park was removed at no cost to the town. It had been a hazard to boaters and rowers. Continue Reading →
First Selectman Peter Tesei’s visions for Greenwich include upgrading public infrastructure and public-private partnerships to make Greenwich Plaza gateway, open up the waterfront and upgrade Roger Sherman Baldwin Park. Continue Reading →
“Now that the Kevin B engine block is gone, we have one less hazard to navigation in the waters of Greenwich.” – Ian MacMillan, Greenwich Harbormaster Continue Reading →
Greenwich Harbor, especially the northern most area, near exit 3 I-95, is recognized as a harbor of refuge by an act of Congress in 1948. The Harbor Management Commission should not prevent the full restoration of Greenwich Harbor to current Army Corps of Engineers specifications by dredge or they will be in noncompliance with the policies of the State of Connecticut and Congress. – Ian MacMillan, Greenwich Harbor Master Continue Reading →