Nick Simmons, a Greenwich native and former Deputy Chief of Staff to Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont, is convinced that now is the time to run for the State Senate seat in the 36th district. Continue Reading →
Greenwich Free Press (https://greenwichfreepress.com/tag/connecticut-state-senate-36th-district/)
Nick Simmons, a Greenwich native and former Deputy Chief of Staff to Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont, is convinced that now is the time to run for the State Senate seat in the 36th district. Continue Reading →
Greenwich had been on pins and needles awaiting the results of the special election to determine who would fill the remainder of the Alex Kasser’s term. Continue Reading →
US Senator Richard Blumenthal said he won his first State Rep race in a special election.
“They are not months long, they are weeks long. They are highly concentrated and they are usually close. Small turnout. And this one is during the summer – smaller turnout. Every single vote, every single call you make, every single contact. Even in this age of social media, there is nothing so important as one human being talking to another, nothing so impactful as your contact with another person. That’s how special elections are won.” Continue Reading →
“Leora has the capacity to run an effective, fully-funded campaign for the August 17th special election. Leora has knocked on doors, phone banked, and given of her time and treasure…” – Peter Tesei Continue Reading →
“As the mother of three sons, all raised in CT, I know how concerning some of the laws passed this past session must seem to parents who now have had their right to control the medical care and raising of their own children stripped away.” – Leora Levy Continue Reading →
“Her advocacy for the voices of victims of domestic abuse and her sense of social justice still resonate in me,” Meskers said, adding that since news of Kasser’s resignation broke, he had been approached by friends and constituents suggesting he consider running for her seat. Continue Reading →
Candidates for State Senate in the 36th district incumbent Democrat Alex Kasser faced off against challenger Ryan Fazio. Continue Reading →
The 36th district convention convened at Town Hall on Monday night, and officially selected John Blankley to be their candidate for State Senator. “What a great honor it is,” Mr. Blankley said after receiving the nomination. “I feel so honored and humbled for you to endorse me for this run. People ask me why do I do it? I’m an idealist. I believe people need a choice.” Continue Reading →